Bird watching is a fun and relaxing experience that can take you to different places and allow you to get a glimpse at the survival techniques that different birds utilize for nesting and raising their young, socializing and finding food, or singing to attract friends and mates. Ways to get the most out of your bird watching experience involve knowing what gear to bring, times of day that birds are most active, and knowing tips for identifying the birds and still have a comfortable and enjoyable time.
Beginning Bird Watching:

For beginners, consider teaming up with professional bird watchers. There are groups you can join, such as the Audubon Society or American Birdwatching Association. Not only do they offer magazines, articles and books, but they also have a list of birds you can look for. Sometimes, they have field trips you can go on to get some experience in bird watching.
When and Where To See Birds:
You can see birds at different times of the day, but certain birds have times they are more active. For example, songbirds start singing and eating two to three hours before sunset. Right after the sunrise, eagles and hawks get active because they soar in the warmer, thermal air currents. Owls are more active at night when they are looking for food with their night vision, and shorebirds feed after high tide.
Watching Birds At Feeding Time:
You can offer bird seed, water and shelter for birds in your backyard or garden and attract birds to watch. You can also find them in their natural habitat, eating the foods they would normally eat. Songbirds like seed and many bird types like niger, millet and sunflower seeds. Peanut butter attracts a lot of birds like cardinals, woodpeckers and nuthatches, although they also like suet. Hummingbirds are especially drawn to red and like sugar water in feeders. Some people add a drop of red food coloring. Birdbaths are a place to see many birds, because not only do they use them for a drink, but enjoy splashing on hot days.
Looking For Breeding Birds:
Birds breed at certain seasons and some migrate to nesting grounds. The majority of birds breed in the spring and summer so that the babies are ready for fall migration. They are harder to identify in the fall because some put on duller colors for the migration and some put on heavier feathering.
Spotting and Identifying Birds:
Birds are easily alarmed, so you need to move stealthily. Basic clues to look for and listen for when identifying a bird are: its habitat, plumage and color, behavior, silhouette and the songs or calls it makes. Also, looking at the beaks can give you a clue and watching what they are doing with it. Woodpeckers have rigid beaks for chipping wood, while hawks, eagles and owls have sharply hooked beaks for tearing up prey. Most backyard birds like cardinals, finches and sparrows have conical beaks while shorebirds have long, slender bills for digging in the sand and prying open shells.
Bird Watching Gear To Bring and Wear:
Of course, binoculars, cameras and something for taking notes is something you need. You may want to keep track of the time of day and activity you witnessed particular birds. You may also want to write down characteristics of the birds you are not familiar with so that you can look them up later, or take along a bird identification guidebook.
You will want to dress in dull colors so that you blend into the surroundings. Camouflage is the thing to keep in mind to see the most birds. Also, fabrics that rustle, snag or squeak will scare birds off. You may need rain gear, such as boots and warm clothing. Owls are best seen and heard at night, so a flashlight might come in handy. You might want to consider a hand-held recorder for songs and chirps of birds that you don't recognize to look up later.
After Your Bird Watching Experience:
This is a time to go through your notes and see if you can identify birds you are not familiar with. You may want to get a tape of different bird songs and calls to assist with identification. You may also need to go through your field guide that shows characteristics of certain birds and detailed pictures.
Bird watching is a fun and relaxing hobby that doesn't take much in the way of special equipment or extra expense, but can provide hours of entertainment.
Source :http://www.submityourarticle.com
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