1. Move More
Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Walk your dog; chase your kids; toss balls with friends, mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it's a stress buster. Think 'move' in small increments of time. It doesn't have to be an hour in the gym or a 45-minute aerobic dance class or tai chi or kickboxing. But that's great when you're up to it. Meanwhile, move more. Thought for the day: Cha, Cha, Cha…. Then do it!
2. Cut Fat
Avoid the obvious such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meats (i.e. pork, bacon, ham, salami, ribs and sausage). Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise. Thought for the day: Lean, mean, fat-burning machine…. Then be one!
3. Quit Smoking
The jury is definitely in on this verdict. Ever since 1960 when the Surgeon General announced that smoking was harmful to your health, Americans have been reducing their use of tobacco products that kill. Just recently, we've seen a surge in smoking in adolescents and teens. Could it be the Hollywood influence? It seems the stars in every movie of late smoke cigarettes. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or 'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. Thought for the day: Give up just one cigarette…. the next one.
4. Reduce Stress
Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e.,Soak in a hot tub; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible. Thought for the day: When seeing red, think pink clouds….then float on them.
5. Protect Yourself from Pollution
If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise outside when the smog rating is low. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. Plant lots of shrubbery in your yard. It's a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent. Thought for the day: 'Smoke gets in your eyes'…and your mouth, and your nose and your lungs as do pollutants….hum the tune daily.
6. Wear Your Seat Belt
Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.
7. Floss Your Teeth
Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it's because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don't? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body's boss.
8. Avoid Excessive Drinking
While recent studies show a glass of wine or one drink a day (two for men) can help protect against heart disease, more than that can cause other health problems such as liver and kidney disease and cancer. Thought for the day: A jug of wine should last a long time.
9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook
There's a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life. Thought for the day: You can't be unhappy when you're smiling or singing.
Source :http://www.health-fitness-tips.com
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Cool earings for Men

In the beginning, men earrings were associated with the punk fashion. This trend traces its origins in the '70s, when Vivienne Westwood and McLaren brought on the scene some special clothing and they pushed the fashion further, for shocking the public. This style migrated into music too, and a lot of punk fashion elements included offensive messages printed on T-shirts or written on the jeans, blazers, combat boots and body piercings were common but not like today.
In time, in the '80s and the '90s, the things changed and makeup, hairstyles and piercings were more and more showed off and more shocking. This fashion trend's fans started to dye their hair in unnatural color, and they wore dramatic make-up. Today's punk fashion keeps a lot of original elements but they aren't so shocking anymore, and people already started to get used to these fashion elements.
One of this fashion trend's statement element are men earrings. There are many men who like the idea of wearing them, but they are not sure how to wear them or if it really is ok to do that. Not all men can look good with some earring models, and this is a matter in which there will be some trial and error.
A lot of men will ask themselves if they should be wearing stud earrings or other earrings. This is by excellence a personal decision, and everybody should know that there are men which don't like wearing jewelries, and earrings would be weird for them. On the other hand there are the men who like wearing them but they can't decide on the model. I recommend, if you didn't wear until now earrings to start with men stud earrings and then progressively change the style. After you get used with the idea you can consider something more interesting
Punk earrings include a lot of designs, like: skulls, crossbones, crosses, vampire themes, metal spikes, dice, knives, snakes, lightning, guns, scorpions and many other elements, but punk earrings are not the only designs on the market. There are also earrings for hip-hoppers, which are a necessary part for all players who represent something in terms of hip hop style. Silver studs are an important and nowadays normal part of men's fashion even if they are hip hop fans or not. So, if you go out for the night or you want to impress that special lady you met last night, you can try earrings and be sure that they will give you a special look.
source: http://www.techpin.com
Tips to Buying a netbook
First of all a netbook generally has less power and functionality than a laptop. So, if you walk out of the store with your cheap ultraportable netbook under your arm and expect to be able to do everything you can with a desktop or a fully fledged laptop forget it.
In short, netbooks are mainly for consuming content, so you can write and send emails and browse the net, watch videos and listen to music and yes you can perform simple processing tasks but if you want to do much more than that you’re going to need something more powerful.
Yes you might find a way to edit video and photos on your netbook but if you’re a bit of a novice then you’re going to come across problems.
A significant point to consider today when buying a netbook is the operating system. Most netbooks to date ship with Windows XP but with Windows 7 just around the corner things are about to change in ways that might affect your decision to buy.
Microsoft is limiting devices that will be allowed to run Windows 7 starter edition to netbooks with smaller screens of about 10 inches or less and you won’t be able to buy an upgrade to windows 7 starter edition for your existing netbook either.
If you’re planning to buy a netbook now, unless you particularly want a smaller less powerful device, as far as price and functionality goes you may find yourself better off buying one of the new ultrathins instead.
Source :http://www.geekwithlaptop.com
In short, netbooks are mainly for consuming content, so you can write and send emails and browse the net, watch videos and listen to music and yes you can perform simple processing tasks but if you want to do much more than that you’re going to need something more powerful.
Yes you might find a way to edit video and photos on your netbook but if you’re a bit of a novice then you’re going to come across problems.
A significant point to consider today when buying a netbook is the operating system. Most netbooks to date ship with Windows XP but with Windows 7 just around the corner things are about to change in ways that might affect your decision to buy.
Microsoft is limiting devices that will be allowed to run Windows 7 starter edition to netbooks with smaller screens of about 10 inches or less and you won’t be able to buy an upgrade to windows 7 starter edition for your existing netbook either.
If you’re planning to buy a netbook now, unless you particularly want a smaller less powerful device, as far as price and functionality goes you may find yourself better off buying one of the new ultrathins instead.
Source :http://www.geekwithlaptop.com
Dual screen Laptop

This screen is the first real dual screen for laptops, which allows computer users to multitask easily, even on the move. It will be released on the market by the end of this year, but let's see some of its characteristics and specifications, to know if we'll buy one of these or not when it will appear on the market.This dual screen has been designed by gScreen and the original concept was inspired from office workers' problems with multi screens (like those who work in the financial field and have to watch many screens and windows in the same time). No manufacturer has designed something like this until now, so Spacebook (the division which created this dual screen) is a pioneer on dual screens market.
This revolutionary laptop dual screen will get together two 15.4'' screens, which can slide away to reach a single screen's space, for the situation when the laptop is transported in a case or backpack.These first pictures were obtained by Gizmodo, and the founder, Gordon Steward declared that this product should be available on Amazon, in December, for holidays. Until then, this dual screen is still under development, and modifications are currently made, for improving its quality and performances. Many of the people will not need the both screens all the time, so the sliding system is great, because you can, at a glance, to double your workspace's dimensions. Anyone willing to purchase this dual screen should know that a double screen means a higher weight for the laptop, and this means a heavier laptop case or backpack, so you should analyze this aspect too befor purchasing one of these dual screens. It is great to have such a flexible workspace, which can easily be transformed from small to big and reverse. Following the same idea, other companies produced laptops with two screens, but the second one is smaller than the main one. gScreen would be the first model with twin equal monitors.
Source :http://www.techpin.com
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sorority Row
- Briana Evigan
- Leah Pipes
- Jamie Chung
- Rumer Willis
- Audrina Patridge
- Stewart Hendler
College juniors CASSIDY (Briana Evigan), JESSICA (Leah Pipes), CLAIRE (Jamie Chung), ELLIE (Rumer Willis) and MEGAN (Audrina Patridge) are sorority sisters sworn to trust, secrecy and solidarity, no matter what. But their loyalty is tested when a prank at a raucous house party goes terribly wrong and Megan ends up brutally murdered. Rather than confess to the crime and risk destroying their bright futures, the girls agree to hide the bloody corpse and keep their secret forever.
Fast forward one year to graduation. As they prepare to say goodbye to the house and each other, the girls plan one last alcohol-fueled bash on Sorority Row, confident their dark secret remains buried. But does it? As the party rages in the front yard, the bedrooms and the hot tub, the girls receive cell phone videos taken the night of Megan's murder from an anonymous sender who threatens to forward the videos to the police.
Then, one by one, the sisters and their unsuspecting boyfriends are stalked by an unseen killer. Has Megan returned from the dead to exact her revenge? Or was their secret discovered by someone else someone now determined to make them pay? Trapped, the girls race to figure out which of them let their secret slip, who wants them dead, and how to fight back as the bodies pile up and their beloved sorority house explodes into flames. A heart-stopping climax reveals the killer's shocking identity in this suspenseful, hip and sexy remake of the 1983 classic horror thriller.
Fast forward one year to graduation. As they prepare to say goodbye to the house and each other, the girls plan one last alcohol-fueled bash on Sorority Row, confident their dark secret remains buried. But does it? As the party rages in the front yard, the bedrooms and the hot tub, the girls receive cell phone videos taken the night of Megan's murder from an anonymous sender who threatens to forward the videos to the police.
Then, one by one, the sisters and their unsuspecting boyfriends are stalked by an unseen killer. Has Megan returned from the dead to exact her revenge? Or was their secret discovered by someone else someone now determined to make them pay? Trapped, the girls race to figure out which of them let their secret slip, who wants them dead, and how to fight back as the bodies pile up and their beloved sorority house explodes into flames. A heart-stopping climax reveals the killer's shocking identity in this suspenseful, hip and sexy remake of the 1983 classic horror thriller.
Monday, September 7, 2009
How to Reduce Blood Sugar Level
The simplest way to lower blood sugar levels naturally is something that is often on the mind of someone that is afflicted with diabetes or illnesses related to excessive blood glucose levels. To learn the way to lower glucose blood levels naturally, you want to first understand precisely what causes high blood sugar levels to start with so you can manage your daily life to lower glucose blood levels naturally.
Let's explore what causes high glucose levels and learn many ways to reduce sugar and return to normal glucose levels. Blood sugar is in the bloodstream when a person eats food that is laden with carbs.
If your body is manufacturing enough amounts of insulin, the hormone will perform its job and convert the sugar in the blood to energy. When OTT sucrose amounts are present for extended amounts of time in the bloodstream, the sugar can create damage to the internal organs of the body - including the eyes, heart, kidneys and urinary tract, solely to cite a couple.
Anyone that has been diagnosed as diabetic, prediabetic - or having any illnesses related to high blood glucose levels wishes to learn the way to lower blood sugar.
If they can't do this naturally, then they will probably have to live a live which includes medication - with the most extreme case concerning taking insulin shots to keep your blood sugar under control. These are some tips to reduce blood glucose on your own :
1) Eliminate sugars and any foods high in carbs from your diet. When eating any carbohydrates, avoid the 'white' ones - including anything made with processed flour.
2) Get eight hours of sleep each night.
The body needs eight hours of sleep per night to operate at its best. This is particularly necessary to maintain a hormonal balance which could help your insulin to perform its job.
3) cut back your stress. If you can't eliminate stress from your life - search out methods to counterbalance the strain - like taking walks and meditating. The majority who try to find out how to lower blood sugar are shocked to discover about the affect that stress has on accomplishing normal glucose levels.
4) Exercise is a good way to reduce blood glucose levels. Especially if you are large.
The mixture of weight reduction and cardiovascular benefits are a winning plan for diabetics or pre-diabetics.
Source : http://www.goarticles.com
Let's explore what causes high glucose levels and learn many ways to reduce sugar and return to normal glucose levels. Blood sugar is in the bloodstream when a person eats food that is laden with carbs.
If your body is manufacturing enough amounts of insulin, the hormone will perform its job and convert the sugar in the blood to energy. When OTT sucrose amounts are present for extended amounts of time in the bloodstream, the sugar can create damage to the internal organs of the body - including the eyes, heart, kidneys and urinary tract, solely to cite a couple.
Anyone that has been diagnosed as diabetic, prediabetic - or having any illnesses related to high blood glucose levels wishes to learn the way to lower blood sugar.
If they can't do this naturally, then they will probably have to live a live which includes medication - with the most extreme case concerning taking insulin shots to keep your blood sugar under control. These are some tips to reduce blood glucose on your own :
1) Eliminate sugars and any foods high in carbs from your diet. When eating any carbohydrates, avoid the 'white' ones - including anything made with processed flour.
2) Get eight hours of sleep each night.
The body needs eight hours of sleep per night to operate at its best. This is particularly necessary to maintain a hormonal balance which could help your insulin to perform its job.
3) cut back your stress. If you can't eliminate stress from your life - search out methods to counterbalance the strain - like taking walks and meditating. The majority who try to find out how to lower blood sugar are shocked to discover about the affect that stress has on accomplishing normal glucose levels.
4) Exercise is a good way to reduce blood glucose levels. Especially if you are large.
The mixture of weight reduction and cardiovascular benefits are a winning plan for diabetics or pre-diabetics.
Source : http://www.goarticles.com
LAN Parties
what is a LAN party? Quite simply, it is a bunch of gamers who come together, hook their computers up in a local area network, and play games until their eyes bleed. It usually consists of gamers with their computers, food and drink (most often of the high-in-fat, low-in-nutrients variety), and lots of games.
LAN gaming had existed before Doom, but it was Doom that brought network gaming to the masses. Offices around the world experienced drops in productivity as sessions of Doom on the office network began to increase in popularity. Gamers realized that flagging their buddies was much more fun if they were within verbal abuse range.
The rise of the internet did not dampen the enthusiasm for LAN gaming, mainly because the dominant internet connections of the mid-90s were 14.4 and 28.8 modems, with the inherent lag and other communications problems. Local area networks, on the other hand, did not suffer from lag as much as modem connections, and being in close physical proximity to your teammates and enemies allowed verbal communications, greatly increasing the enjoyment of multiplayer gaming. Even in today's era of broadband connections and abundant online game servers, nothing quite replicates the thrill of trash talking your opponents in person after a particularly glorious victory.
Plan Your Event to the Smallest Detail
There are several important things you must consider when you begin to plan your event. Items include the size of the party, when it will run, where it will be located, plus miscellaneous things like entrance fees (if required) and promotion of the event.
While LAN parties can usually be as large or as small as you want, most people will find that with less than four players there isn't the same level of excitement and competition as with larger parties. Realistically speaking, at lot of fun can be had with 8-20 players, but any larger and the logistical problems with setting up such an event may well be beyond your capabilities and finances unless you are experienced in running such events. Larger events are also fun, but they no longer become one-man jobs and you will probably need some knowledgeable friends to help keep the event running smoothly.
LAN parties can also run for as long as you want, though reality will dictate that most events are three days or less, usually running from Friday evening to Sunday evening. For obvious reasons, one-day events are the easiest to set up, and it is recommended that the first LAN party you host be a one-day party. If you have friends to help you organize and host a party, you should be able to host multi-day events right off the bat. Remember to allocate space for sleeping if your event spans more than one day because even the most hardcore gamer cannot play for 24 hours straight.
One of the most important decisions that have to be made during the planning process is where the LAN party will be located. The primary factor in choosing a location is its size: it simply has to be big enough to accommodate all the guests comfortably. On the other hand, a venue that is too big can also create problems, so once you have decided where to host your LAN party it is best not to change the number of guests. If a planned location is booked and later needs to be bigger, you may lose your deposit and booking fees.
Accessibility is also an important factor. This mostly depends on what city you host the party in. Obviously, in a large city with a comprehensive public transportation system, getting to your event will be much easier for your guests. Hosting your LAN party in a rural "middle-of-nowhere" town will cause unnecessary grief for both host and guests, and should be avoided even if you live in such a town. It will be much easier to attract gamers to your particular party if it is easy for them to get there.
There are other issues to consider. Are there washrooms? Are there enough for the number of guests you expect? Noise is also a concern, for a group of rowdy gamers will inevitably create lots of noise and perhaps even some profanity. Make sure that you won't have neighbors calling the cops and complaining about your party. As mentioned above, additional room will be needed for sleeping areas if your LAN party lasts longer than a day. There should also be an area set aside for breaks from gaming, and it helps if there's a TV or some music in this area.
Lastly but importantly, the issues of electrical power and ventilation need to be addressed. If you are booking a location, ask the booking manager about how much electricity the building can supply and if there's air conditioning (in the summer) or heating (in the winter) available. You need to ensure that a large number of computers will not overload the electrical circuits in the building, which will bring your party to a grinding halt and possibly result in the cancellation of your event. Air conditioning and heating is important to keep your guests comfortable. Ventilation is especially important during the summer because the ambient temperature and heat generated by people and their computers will quickly rise to unbearable levels, and may actually result in damage to computer systems that are over clocked and thus sensitive to temperature changes. Of course, all of this depends on how far north or south you live: air conditioning is useless in the Polar Regions, and the same is true for heating near the equator.
Operating Costs and Promoting Your Event
Once you've decided on the size, duration, and location of your LAN party, there remains the issue of the entrance fee. If you are hosting a small party with just your friends, an entrance fee will not be necessary since the costs to run such a party are quite low. Anything larger, however, will require an entrance fee simply to cover the costs of providing the space and hardware to run the party, in addition to the time investment. Things get expensive quickly as the size of the party grows because of the need for high-speed switches and routers, and possibly even gigabit Ethernet equipment in parties with more than 50 people. The entrance fee can also cover things like door and tournament prizes, as well as food and drinks.
To help defray the costs of running a medium to large LAN party, you may want to consider having your event sponsored. Sponsors might provide food, hardware, software, or technical expertise, and even money if you're really lucky. In exchange for this you will most likely be required to promote the company's products and services, and maybe even allow the company to be the exclusive provider of for-sale goods at your venue. Remember to have any arrangements with sponsors in writing so that it becomes a binding contract, preventing them from dropping their sponsorship at the last moment.
However, if you actually want people to come, you will have to promote your LAN party. A good rule of thumb is to promote your event at least a month before it starts. An excellent way to start is to create a website with all the details of your event. Be sure to clearly state the equipment that the guest must bring, as well as the entrance fee and other incidentals that require money. To let people know about your event, there are websites that are dedicated to listing LAN parties around the world. Putting your party there can greatly increase the chance getting the turnout you wanted.
Source : http://www.onepc.net
LAN gaming had existed before Doom, but it was Doom that brought network gaming to the masses. Offices around the world experienced drops in productivity as sessions of Doom on the office network began to increase in popularity. Gamers realized that flagging their buddies was much more fun if they were within verbal abuse range.
The rise of the internet did not dampen the enthusiasm for LAN gaming, mainly because the dominant internet connections of the mid-90s were 14.4 and 28.8 modems, with the inherent lag and other communications problems. Local area networks, on the other hand, did not suffer from lag as much as modem connections, and being in close physical proximity to your teammates and enemies allowed verbal communications, greatly increasing the enjoyment of multiplayer gaming. Even in today's era of broadband connections and abundant online game servers, nothing quite replicates the thrill of trash talking your opponents in person after a particularly glorious victory.
Plan Your Event to the Smallest Detail
There are several important things you must consider when you begin to plan your event. Items include the size of the party, when it will run, where it will be located, plus miscellaneous things like entrance fees (if required) and promotion of the event.
While LAN parties can usually be as large or as small as you want, most people will find that with less than four players there isn't the same level of excitement and competition as with larger parties. Realistically speaking, at lot of fun can be had with 8-20 players, but any larger and the logistical problems with setting up such an event may well be beyond your capabilities and finances unless you are experienced in running such events. Larger events are also fun, but they no longer become one-man jobs and you will probably need some knowledgeable friends to help keep the event running smoothly.
LAN parties can also run for as long as you want, though reality will dictate that most events are three days or less, usually running from Friday evening to Sunday evening. For obvious reasons, one-day events are the easiest to set up, and it is recommended that the first LAN party you host be a one-day party. If you have friends to help you organize and host a party, you should be able to host multi-day events right off the bat. Remember to allocate space for sleeping if your event spans more than one day because even the most hardcore gamer cannot play for 24 hours straight.
One of the most important decisions that have to be made during the planning process is where the LAN party will be located. The primary factor in choosing a location is its size: it simply has to be big enough to accommodate all the guests comfortably. On the other hand, a venue that is too big can also create problems, so once you have decided where to host your LAN party it is best not to change the number of guests. If a planned location is booked and later needs to be bigger, you may lose your deposit and booking fees.
Accessibility is also an important factor. This mostly depends on what city you host the party in. Obviously, in a large city with a comprehensive public transportation system, getting to your event will be much easier for your guests. Hosting your LAN party in a rural "middle-of-nowhere" town will cause unnecessary grief for both host and guests, and should be avoided even if you live in such a town. It will be much easier to attract gamers to your particular party if it is easy for them to get there.
There are other issues to consider. Are there washrooms? Are there enough for the number of guests you expect? Noise is also a concern, for a group of rowdy gamers will inevitably create lots of noise and perhaps even some profanity. Make sure that you won't have neighbors calling the cops and complaining about your party. As mentioned above, additional room will be needed for sleeping areas if your LAN party lasts longer than a day. There should also be an area set aside for breaks from gaming, and it helps if there's a TV or some music in this area.
Lastly but importantly, the issues of electrical power and ventilation need to be addressed. If you are booking a location, ask the booking manager about how much electricity the building can supply and if there's air conditioning (in the summer) or heating (in the winter) available. You need to ensure that a large number of computers will not overload the electrical circuits in the building, which will bring your party to a grinding halt and possibly result in the cancellation of your event. Air conditioning and heating is important to keep your guests comfortable. Ventilation is especially important during the summer because the ambient temperature and heat generated by people and their computers will quickly rise to unbearable levels, and may actually result in damage to computer systems that are over clocked and thus sensitive to temperature changes. Of course, all of this depends on how far north or south you live: air conditioning is useless in the Polar Regions, and the same is true for heating near the equator.
Operating Costs and Promoting Your Event
Once you've decided on the size, duration, and location of your LAN party, there remains the issue of the entrance fee. If you are hosting a small party with just your friends, an entrance fee will not be necessary since the costs to run such a party are quite low. Anything larger, however, will require an entrance fee simply to cover the costs of providing the space and hardware to run the party, in addition to the time investment. Things get expensive quickly as the size of the party grows because of the need for high-speed switches and routers, and possibly even gigabit Ethernet equipment in parties with more than 50 people. The entrance fee can also cover things like door and tournament prizes, as well as food and drinks.
To help defray the costs of running a medium to large LAN party, you may want to consider having your event sponsored. Sponsors might provide food, hardware, software, or technical expertise, and even money if you're really lucky. In exchange for this you will most likely be required to promote the company's products and services, and maybe even allow the company to be the exclusive provider of for-sale goods at your venue. Remember to have any arrangements with sponsors in writing so that it becomes a binding contract, preventing them from dropping their sponsorship at the last moment.
However, if you actually want people to come, you will have to promote your LAN party. A good rule of thumb is to promote your event at least a month before it starts. An excellent way to start is to create a website with all the details of your event. Be sure to clearly state the equipment that the guest must bring, as well as the entrance fee and other incidentals that require money. To let people know about your event, there are websites that are dedicated to listing LAN parties around the world. Putting your party there can greatly increase the chance getting the turnout you wanted.
Source : http://www.onepc.net
Top PC Game Accessories
Peripheral gizmos and gadgets seem to be a natural fit for gamers, most of whom would sooner die than part with their favorite mouse or gamepad. The latest toys for computer games include ergonomic input devices, 3D glasses, and precision mouse pads. These accessories can dramatically improve the way we interact with games and, in some cases, make us more competitive.
Logitech G9x Laser Mouse
Shooter fans are known to demand the utmost precision and reliability from their pointing device. Logitech has answered the call with a series of high performance gaming mice, with the G9x Laser Mouse leading the way. The G9x is almost identical to the earlier G9, except the maximum resolution has been bumped up to 5000 dpi. This mouse features interchangeable grips of different widths and stores up to 5 custom profiles in onboard memory. It has a good variety of buttons, and you can customize the weight by adding or removing metal weights from a cartridge that slides in the back.
Microsoft SideWinder X8 Wireless Gaming Mouse
Microsoft resurrected it's SideWinder brand, once associated with their joysticks, by releasing a series of SideWinder mice. The X8 is the third iteration of the SideWinder gaming mouse and the first to feature a wireless connection. Gamers don't like having the battery in their mouse die in the middle of firefight, so the X8 has a recharging cable that can be plugged in while the mouse is in use, and spools neatly around the wireless transceiver.
Logitech G13 Gameboard
The G13 Advanced Gameboard is a relatively recent addition to Logitech's G-series of peripherals, designed to give you a left hand controller that surpasses the traditional keyboard. Gaming keypads have been around for a long time, but this is the first one we've seen from Logitech. It's very egonomic, has 25 programmable keys, a small stick for your thumb, and it even sports an integrated GamePanel LCD. Be prepared for the price tag though, as it costs more than many full size keyboards.
Ergodex DX1 Input System
The Ergodex is a customizable keypad that is unlike anything on the market. It comes with a pad and 25 keys which can actually be arranged in whatever layout the user is most comfortable with. The keys are stuck to the pad with a reusable adhesive, making it easy to adjust them to fit your hand and your gaming style. A very clever alternative to a standard keyboard, although it is a bit pricey.
SteelSeries Merc
You may remember the Merc from before SteelSeries acquired Ideazon, and it's still the same product under a slightly different brand name. The Merc combines a conventional keyboard with a gaming keypad, providing over 30 dedicated gaming keys on the left side of the device. The pad has a nice layout, with large movement keys and 11 convenient shortcut buttons. It's also capable of registering up to 7 simultaneous keystrokes, and you can get a backlit version called the Merc Stealth.
Nostromo n52 SpeedPad
Belkin's n52 is the better of two relatively affordable Nostromo SpeedPad devices that combine a miniature keyboard with an assortment of gamepad like functions, including a throttle wheel, for use with the left hand. They are highly programmable and sure to prove a worthy addition to any in-game arsenal.
SteelSeries Zboard
The Zboard is a customizable keyboard that features an interchangeable "keyset" which can be swapped out depending on the game you're playing. Each keyset is designed for a particular game, giving you quick access to game controls that are intuitively layed out, sized, and labelled. There are also special keysets for business applications, if you're into that sort of thing. The downside to this approach is that the cost of the keysets will start to add up if you play a lot of different games.
X-Arcade Control Panel
Most of us are relatively casual about arcade games, but like everything else, there are always those who take the hobby very seriously. This unique control panel is designed to emulate the stick and buttons found on the classic coin-operated arcade game machines. It supports many different game platforms and comes with a lifetime warranty.
E-D 3D Glasses
Reliable sources tell me that these actually work, and that the effect is incredible. There is some fascinating science behind them which involves blocking the image going to each eye in synchronization with the monitor's refresh rate, and apparently they now work with LCD monitors as well as CRTs. They make 3D games look sort of like a hologram behind a sheet of glass. They're probably more appropriate for RPGs than FPSes, but they've been getting good reviews.
Razer Mantis Mouse Pad
Gamers tend to expect a little more from a mouse pad than typical computer users. Mouse pads designed for gaming are larger than regular mouse pads so you have more room to swing around. They also typically use low-resistance surfaces for action that is quick and smooth. Razer's mouse pads are a common sight at LAN parties and pro game competitions.
Source : http://internetgames.about.com
Logitech G9x Laser Mouse
Shooter fans are known to demand the utmost precision and reliability from their pointing device. Logitech has answered the call with a series of high performance gaming mice, with the G9x Laser Mouse leading the way. The G9x is almost identical to the earlier G9, except the maximum resolution has been bumped up to 5000 dpi. This mouse features interchangeable grips of different widths and stores up to 5 custom profiles in onboard memory. It has a good variety of buttons, and you can customize the weight by adding or removing metal weights from a cartridge that slides in the back.
Microsoft SideWinder X8 Wireless Gaming Mouse
Microsoft resurrected it's SideWinder brand, once associated with their joysticks, by releasing a series of SideWinder mice. The X8 is the third iteration of the SideWinder gaming mouse and the first to feature a wireless connection. Gamers don't like having the battery in their mouse die in the middle of firefight, so the X8 has a recharging cable that can be plugged in while the mouse is in use, and spools neatly around the wireless transceiver.
Logitech G13 Gameboard
The G13 Advanced Gameboard is a relatively recent addition to Logitech's G-series of peripherals, designed to give you a left hand controller that surpasses the traditional keyboard. Gaming keypads have been around for a long time, but this is the first one we've seen from Logitech. It's very egonomic, has 25 programmable keys, a small stick for your thumb, and it even sports an integrated GamePanel LCD. Be prepared for the price tag though, as it costs more than many full size keyboards.
Ergodex DX1 Input System
The Ergodex is a customizable keypad that is unlike anything on the market. It comes with a pad and 25 keys which can actually be arranged in whatever layout the user is most comfortable with. The keys are stuck to the pad with a reusable adhesive, making it easy to adjust them to fit your hand and your gaming style. A very clever alternative to a standard keyboard, although it is a bit pricey.
SteelSeries Merc
You may remember the Merc from before SteelSeries acquired Ideazon, and it's still the same product under a slightly different brand name. The Merc combines a conventional keyboard with a gaming keypad, providing over 30 dedicated gaming keys on the left side of the device. The pad has a nice layout, with large movement keys and 11 convenient shortcut buttons. It's also capable of registering up to 7 simultaneous keystrokes, and you can get a backlit version called the Merc Stealth.
Nostromo n52 SpeedPad
Belkin's n52 is the better of two relatively affordable Nostromo SpeedPad devices that combine a miniature keyboard with an assortment of gamepad like functions, including a throttle wheel, for use with the left hand. They are highly programmable and sure to prove a worthy addition to any in-game arsenal.
SteelSeries Zboard
The Zboard is a customizable keyboard that features an interchangeable "keyset" which can be swapped out depending on the game you're playing. Each keyset is designed for a particular game, giving you quick access to game controls that are intuitively layed out, sized, and labelled. There are also special keysets for business applications, if you're into that sort of thing. The downside to this approach is that the cost of the keysets will start to add up if you play a lot of different games.
X-Arcade Control Panel
Most of us are relatively casual about arcade games, but like everything else, there are always those who take the hobby very seriously. This unique control panel is designed to emulate the stick and buttons found on the classic coin-operated arcade game machines. It supports many different game platforms and comes with a lifetime warranty.
E-D 3D Glasses
Reliable sources tell me that these actually work, and that the effect is incredible. There is some fascinating science behind them which involves blocking the image going to each eye in synchronization with the monitor's refresh rate, and apparently they now work with LCD monitors as well as CRTs. They make 3D games look sort of like a hologram behind a sheet of glass. They're probably more appropriate for RPGs than FPSes, but they've been getting good reviews.
Razer Mantis Mouse Pad
Gamers tend to expect a little more from a mouse pad than typical computer users. Mouse pads designed for gaming are larger than regular mouse pads so you have more room to swing around. They also typically use low-resistance surfaces for action that is quick and smooth. Razer's mouse pads are a common sight at LAN parties and pro game competitions.
Source : http://internetgames.about.com
Ayurveda Herbal Remedies
"Ayurveda" is not just a form of medication that locals swear by, it is a total way of life known to generations of Sri Lankans for over 3000 years. It is a gentle method of treating the root cause of illness of both mind and body.
Ayurveda comes from two conjoined Sanskrit words "Ayuh" (life) and "Veda" (science or knowledge). It is a science of healthy living, and has two aims, to preserve health and to cure a body afflicted by disease.
This holistic form of therapy utilizes the diet, herbs, oils, animal products, yoga and meditation to heal and rejuvenate both the body and mind. Ayurveda believes the life forces, or doshas, of an individual must be balanced for good health.
What can Ayurveda do?
Ayurvedic practitioners study the patient with the object of restoring balance, getting to the root of the problem and treating that. Local folk have been known to say that while western medicine classifies germs and attempts to destroy them, Ayurveda classifies human beings and attempts to save them.
Although Ayurveda can be enjoyed casually for its toning massages and herbal baths, it has a series of intense treatments that take over a period of weeks or even months and produce remarkable results. Ayurveda makes use of the island's natural resources like herbs, leaves, flowers, barks, roots and berries and uses them to cleanse the blood and the body of impurities.
It is claimed that many conditions can be alleviated or cured by Ayurveda, including arthritis, migraine, exhaustion, high blood pressure, depression, cystitis, asthma, nicotine and heroin addiction.
There are several methods of treatment used. Head to toe massages are said to remove impurities, relax the nerves and invigorate the lymphatic and immune systems. Dripping warm oil on the forehead is said to reduce tension and cure insomnia, while various herbal steam baths open the pores to dispose of toxins for inner harmony. This all-natural experience is truly serene and rejuvenating for both the mind and the body.
Meditation is the attainment of a deeply relaxed state of mind and body. One's rate of metabolism is said to slow down causing the release of anxiety, stress and even pain control. Breathing exercises, repeating mantras, and sitting in silence helps relax the mind and reduce focus on the stressful situations that surround us. Meditation is a component of serious Ayurvedic treatment that helps bring harmony to the mind and body.
Source : http://www.srilanka.com
Ayurveda comes from two conjoined Sanskrit words "Ayuh" (life) and "Veda" (science or knowledge). It is a science of healthy living, and has two aims, to preserve health and to cure a body afflicted by disease.
This holistic form of therapy utilizes the diet, herbs, oils, animal products, yoga and meditation to heal and rejuvenate both the body and mind. Ayurveda believes the life forces, or doshas, of an individual must be balanced for good health.
What can Ayurveda do?
Ayurvedic practitioners study the patient with the object of restoring balance, getting to the root of the problem and treating that. Local folk have been known to say that while western medicine classifies germs and attempts to destroy them, Ayurveda classifies human beings and attempts to save them.
Although Ayurveda can be enjoyed casually for its toning massages and herbal baths, it has a series of intense treatments that take over a period of weeks or even months and produce remarkable results. Ayurveda makes use of the island's natural resources like herbs, leaves, flowers, barks, roots and berries and uses them to cleanse the blood and the body of impurities.
It is claimed that many conditions can be alleviated or cured by Ayurveda, including arthritis, migraine, exhaustion, high blood pressure, depression, cystitis, asthma, nicotine and heroin addiction.
There are several methods of treatment used. Head to toe massages are said to remove impurities, relax the nerves and invigorate the lymphatic and immune systems. Dripping warm oil on the forehead is said to reduce tension and cure insomnia, while various herbal steam baths open the pores to dispose of toxins for inner harmony. This all-natural experience is truly serene and rejuvenating for both the mind and the body.
Meditation is the attainment of a deeply relaxed state of mind and body. One's rate of metabolism is said to slow down causing the release of anxiety, stress and even pain control. Breathing exercises, repeating mantras, and sitting in silence helps relax the mind and reduce focus on the stressful situations that surround us. Meditation is a component of serious Ayurvedic treatment that helps bring harmony to the mind and body.
Source : http://www.srilanka.com
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Aladin Hindi Movie

- Amitabh Bachchan
- Ritesh Deshmukh
- Jacqueline Fernandes
- Sanjay Dutt
- Juhi Chawla
- Sujoy Ghosh
The Story
A modern day version of the Children's classic, the story is contemporary but set in a fantasy world of make belief. The dresses are modern but the surroundings and the settings, larger than life and imagined. Amitabh Bachchan plays the ‘Genie’, while Ritesh Deshmukh plays 'Aladin' and making her debut appearance is Miss Sri Lanka 2006 Jacqueline Fernandes who plays the role of 'princess Jasmin'.
Gems of SriLanka
The gems of Sri Lanka are woven in to his history. The Mahavansa, the ancient chronicle of Sri Lanka too mentioned about gems and jewellery. Indeed, the lord Buddha himself is sad to have had to come to Sri Lanka from India to settle a dispute between two kings, Chulodara and Mahodara, over a throne of gems.
King Solomon is reported to have had gems brought from this island to win the heart of beautiful Queens. The great traveler, Marco Polo, Was said to have been so awe struck by a priceless ruby in the possession of the king of Sri Lanka that he recorded it as been “ span in length, with out a flaw, brilliant beyond compare.
Sri Lanka became known as Ratna Deepa(The Island of Gems). Some of the rarest precious stones in the world are found in abundance in the reach earth under our feet and the hills above us. Among the Several world famous gems Sri Lanka’s blue sapphire Weighing 466 carats.the largest known sapphire in the world. Weighing in at 19kg was also discovered here. Other famous gems include the Blue giant of the Orient, Weighing nearly 500 carats and the bluebell of Asia, which weighs in at 400 carats. The renowned Sri Lankan Star sapphire is on permanent display at the Museum of Natural History in New York, but due to an oversight, the stone has been called the star of India.
Throughout history Sri Lanka’s gems and jewellery have adorned the crown jewels of many a royal family. A gem- a 105 carat cat’s eye- discovered in a paddy field in Sri Lanka, gained fame among the royalty of Britain and was Successively Admired by Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and Queen Elizabeth.
The process of mining for gems is begun at an auspicious time with a short religious ritual. The most common methods of mining are in pits and by tunneling. Surface gemming and dredging depends on the location and the type of deposits stones are normally found in a layer of coarse, pebbly material, which contains traces of clay and fine sand. This gravel containing gems is referred to as “illam” and is found just below the alluvial deposits.
The rarest gem in the world Alexandrite, is found in Sri Lanka.
Gem pits are of two kinds.the shallow ones are well shaped and circular, whereas deep pits are rectangular. To prevent the walls of the pits from caving-in scaffoldings are made and the spaces filled with leaves. The water is then pumped out of the pit. If the “illam” vein runs horizontally, tunneling has to be resorted to.
Another method of collecting illam is to place wooden poles across the river bed and standing on a pole with a long stick, a person drags the gravelly sand to wards him. This is then collected in buckets.
Either way the gravel is then washed in large circular wicker buckets by immersing them in water and rotating them. This enables the light, ordinary pebbles and sediment to escape, leaving the heavier pebbles behind. Then the basket are held against the sunlight and the sorting is carried out.
Each illam brings forth a variety of stones. The principal source of Alexandeite, the rarest gem in the world is Sri Lanka it was first pound in the Urals in 1830 and is named after czar Alexander II who come of age on the day it was found. This stone shines green in natural light but turns raspberry red in artificial light.
The cat’s eye is another stone which is considered valuable and rare. It derives its name from fact that a silvery line runs across its greenish-gray surface, giving it a remarkable resemblance to the eye of a cat. The rarest type is the black cat’s eye.
Sri Lanka can boast of having 17 varieties of precious and semiprecious stone. The most notable are:- Blue Sapphire:A blue stone with a silvery streak, said to protect its Wearer.
Alexandrite: the rarest and possibly the most beautiful of stones.
Stur Ruby: its colour ranges from pale pink to red with a sulky streak.
Yellow Sapphire:poetically known as the “pollen of flowers” because of its soft yellow colouring. Star Sapphire: a rich blue star stone with snowy streaks, said to bring good luck.
Amethyst: a rich purple stone.
Garnet: A deep purplish-red stone, unique for its richness of colour.
Moonstone: a pale blue stone with silvery light only found in Sri Lanka and said to possess the power of tranquilizing its wearer.

Reputed gems of Sri Lanka
Blue Sapphire
Sri lanka's Gem supreme, of corn flower blue, is the favorite of fashionable women the world over.
Cat's Eye
The honey yellow and apple green cat's Eye of lustrous smoothness is extolled for the protection she yields to the weather.
If you are a connoisseur of the rarest yields from the mysterious depths of earth you will need to possess an Alexandrite.
Star Ruby
The scarlet perfection and its scintillating beauty add up to the dream come true in gems.
Yellow Sapphire
Pollen of flower is her lyrical name is Sinhala. Her delicate yellow makes this description apt.
Star Sapphire
With her azure heart a gleam with radiant snowy streaks, the star sapphire's sparkle brings her owner good luck.
Burnished by nature into a high purplish polish, the amethyst is a beauty among gems.
All the world's garnets (pyrope) are ordinary after Sri Lanka's Elahera Garnet made it's radiant bow.
King Solomon is reported to have had gems brought from this island to win the heart of beautiful Queens. The great traveler, Marco Polo, Was said to have been so awe struck by a priceless ruby in the possession of the king of Sri Lanka that he recorded it as been “ span in length, with out a flaw, brilliant beyond compare.
Sri Lanka became known as Ratna Deepa(The Island of Gems). Some of the rarest precious stones in the world are found in abundance in the reach earth under our feet and the hills above us. Among the Several world famous gems Sri Lanka’s blue sapphire Weighing 466 carats.the largest known sapphire in the world. Weighing in at 19kg was also discovered here. Other famous gems include the Blue giant of the Orient, Weighing nearly 500 carats and the bluebell of Asia, which weighs in at 400 carats. The renowned Sri Lankan Star sapphire is on permanent display at the Museum of Natural History in New York, but due to an oversight, the stone has been called the star of India.
Throughout history Sri Lanka’s gems and jewellery have adorned the crown jewels of many a royal family. A gem- a 105 carat cat’s eye- discovered in a paddy field in Sri Lanka, gained fame among the royalty of Britain and was Successively Admired by Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and Queen Elizabeth.
The process of mining for gems is begun at an auspicious time with a short religious ritual. The most common methods of mining are in pits and by tunneling. Surface gemming and dredging depends on the location and the type of deposits stones are normally found in a layer of coarse, pebbly material, which contains traces of clay and fine sand. This gravel containing gems is referred to as “illam” and is found just below the alluvial deposits.
The rarest gem in the world Alexandrite, is found in Sri Lanka.
Gem pits are of two kinds.the shallow ones are well shaped and circular, whereas deep pits are rectangular. To prevent the walls of the pits from caving-in scaffoldings are made and the spaces filled with leaves. The water is then pumped out of the pit. If the “illam” vein runs horizontally, tunneling has to be resorted to.
Another method of collecting illam is to place wooden poles across the river bed and standing on a pole with a long stick, a person drags the gravelly sand to wards him. This is then collected in buckets.
Either way the gravel is then washed in large circular wicker buckets by immersing them in water and rotating them. This enables the light, ordinary pebbles and sediment to escape, leaving the heavier pebbles behind. Then the basket are held against the sunlight and the sorting is carried out.
Each illam brings forth a variety of stones. The principal source of Alexandeite, the rarest gem in the world is Sri Lanka it was first pound in the Urals in 1830 and is named after czar Alexander II who come of age on the day it was found. This stone shines green in natural light but turns raspberry red in artificial light.
The cat’s eye is another stone which is considered valuable and rare. It derives its name from fact that a silvery line runs across its greenish-gray surface, giving it a remarkable resemblance to the eye of a cat. The rarest type is the black cat’s eye.
Sri Lanka can boast of having 17 varieties of precious and semiprecious stone. The most notable are:- Blue Sapphire:A blue stone with a silvery streak, said to protect its Wearer.
Alexandrite: the rarest and possibly the most beautiful of stones.
Stur Ruby: its colour ranges from pale pink to red with a sulky streak.
Yellow Sapphire:poetically known as the “pollen of flowers” because of its soft yellow colouring. Star Sapphire: a rich blue star stone with snowy streaks, said to bring good luck.
Amethyst: a rich purple stone.
Garnet: A deep purplish-red stone, unique for its richness of colour.
Moonstone: a pale blue stone with silvery light only found in Sri Lanka and said to possess the power of tranquilizing its wearer.

Reputed gems of Sri Lanka
Blue Sapphire
Sri lanka's Gem supreme, of corn flower blue, is the favorite of fashionable women the world over.
Cat's Eye
The honey yellow and apple green cat's Eye of lustrous smoothness is extolled for the protection she yields to the weather.
If you are a connoisseur of the rarest yields from the mysterious depths of earth you will need to possess an Alexandrite.
Star Ruby
The scarlet perfection and its scintillating beauty add up to the dream come true in gems.
Yellow Sapphire
Pollen of flower is her lyrical name is Sinhala. Her delicate yellow makes this description apt.
Star Sapphire
With her azure heart a gleam with radiant snowy streaks, the star sapphire's sparkle brings her owner good luck.
Burnished by nature into a high purplish polish, the amethyst is a beauty among gems.
All the world's garnets (pyrope) are ordinary after Sri Lanka's Elahera Garnet made it's radiant bow.
Source : http://www.mysrilanka.com
Sri Lankan Arts and Crafts
Sri Lanka is a country with a rich history spanning over two millennia. This has helped in the development of traditional art forms deeply rooted in history and culture of the country. Because of the major role played by Buddhism in the lives of the people it has also left an everlasting impression on the arts as well. Indian Buddhist culture introduced along with Buddhism into Sri Lanka in the 3rd century B.C has become the core of Sri Lankan culture ever since. However it has not restricted the formation of a distinctively Sri Lankan artistic style either. These artistic styles varied from kingdom to kingdom through the line of history. Each period added it’s own distinctive characteristics to the traditional art forms and has become a completely priceless inheritance that we can see today.
Dance of Sri Lanka
The concept of dancing in Sri Lanka started as a response to fear of natural power which people believed as the supernatural. Dance was established in Sri Lanka during the 4th century B.C for the purpose of expelling natural disasters, sickness and so on. The South Indian influence came into Sri Lanka at the end of Polonnaruwa period (15th century A.D.), and was adopted into our folk dancing. As time passed, a dancing form was developed that varied from each other according to regional and local traditions. Today, there are three principal dancing forms that can be seen in Sri Lanka:
Kandyan Dancing: This is a form of dance that has developed from the Kandyan period. Today is regarded as the national dance of Sri Lanka. The dance imitates movements of animals as there are dancing of elephant and peacock, for example, and also depicts scenes of Ramayana epic or stories of kings and heroes. The costumes used by the Kandyan dancers are striking and colordul; male dancers wear a skirt-like garment with their bare chests decorated with exquisitely silver regalia and spectacular headgear; silver bangles are also worn on the arms and ankles. The performance is companied with hectic rhythms of drums called "gata beraya".
Low country dance: These are highly ritualistic dances and performed to appease evil spirits which cause sickness. The dancers wear masks depicting many characters varied in forms of bird, demons, reptiles, etc.
Sabaragamuwa dances: The dances are usually performed in Ratnapura, relating to the worshipping of God Saman much revered by local people.
Handicrafts of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has gained a reputation worldwide for it’s traditional and exquisite handicrafts. An extensive variety of handicrafts represent the richly craftsmanship tradition which can be traced back as long as the nation's existence. Tourists visiting Sri Lanka can find an excellent collection of Sri Lankan handicrafts in shops and stores throughout the country.
Mask: Masks are facial decorative wear used in Sri Lankan dancing. It is believed that masks provide curative power for physiological problems and they were used in rituals, dramas, and curing sickness. Most of these masks are made forma light wood called kaduru and hand carved into various characters. The knowledge and skills of carving is usually passed from generation to generation.
Pottery: Pottery is one of the oldest crafts in Sri Lanka. It is still a thriving industry making cooking pots and utensil, which are still used by many people. In addition to pots, more intricate products likes terracotta figures, carved vases, ornamental figurines are made as souvenirs for tourists.
Batiks: Even though it is an Indonesian art from batik making has developed in Sri Lanka into its unique style. Tourists can find a wide variety of batiks sold throughout the island. Some of the best and most original are the batik pictures made in Kandy and Fresco Batiks on the Peradeniya road outside Kandy.
Jewelary: Sri Lanka produces excellent jewelry which considerably benefits its own economy. There are two traditions of jewelry making: Galle tradition and Kandyan tradition. The Galle tradition is characterized by its precious stones while the Kandyan tradition is featured by its intricate metal work, especially silver work.
Architecture of Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan architecture, like most other forms of Sri Lankan art forms, is closely based on religious beliefs, primarily, Buddhism. In addition to Buddhism, Hinduism is another important influence on Sri Lankan architecture represented by the Hindu temples and. Since Sri Lanka has been occupied by three generations of colonization, beginning with the Portuguese, followed by the Dutch and finally the British, the architecture in Sri Lanka has been developed and influenced by those three culture though the course of time. The colonial legacy as seen in ancient colonial buildings in the country even enhances the charm of Sri Lanka. So to say that, Sri Lanka is a place where different cultures have intertwined together, creating harmony and at the same time the uniqueness of Sri Lanka.
Dance of Sri Lanka
The concept of dancing in Sri Lanka started as a response to fear of natural power which people believed as the supernatural. Dance was established in Sri Lanka during the 4th century B.C for the purpose of expelling natural disasters, sickness and so on. The South Indian influence came into Sri Lanka at the end of Polonnaruwa period (15th century A.D.), and was adopted into our folk dancing. As time passed, a dancing form was developed that varied from each other according to regional and local traditions. Today, there are three principal dancing forms that can be seen in Sri Lanka:
Kandyan Dancing: This is a form of dance that has developed from the Kandyan period. Today is regarded as the national dance of Sri Lanka. The dance imitates movements of animals as there are dancing of elephant and peacock, for example, and also depicts scenes of Ramayana epic or stories of kings and heroes. The costumes used by the Kandyan dancers are striking and colordul; male dancers wear a skirt-like garment with their bare chests decorated with exquisitely silver regalia and spectacular headgear; silver bangles are also worn on the arms and ankles. The performance is companied with hectic rhythms of drums called "gata beraya".
Low country dance: These are highly ritualistic dances and performed to appease evil spirits which cause sickness. The dancers wear masks depicting many characters varied in forms of bird, demons, reptiles, etc.
Sabaragamuwa dances: The dances are usually performed in Ratnapura, relating to the worshipping of God Saman much revered by local people.
Handicrafts of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has gained a reputation worldwide for it’s traditional and exquisite handicrafts. An extensive variety of handicrafts represent the richly craftsmanship tradition which can be traced back as long as the nation's existence. Tourists visiting Sri Lanka can find an excellent collection of Sri Lankan handicrafts in shops and stores throughout the country.
Mask: Masks are facial decorative wear used in Sri Lankan dancing. It is believed that masks provide curative power for physiological problems and they were used in rituals, dramas, and curing sickness. Most of these masks are made forma light wood called kaduru and hand carved into various characters. The knowledge and skills of carving is usually passed from generation to generation.
Pottery: Pottery is one of the oldest crafts in Sri Lanka. It is still a thriving industry making cooking pots and utensil, which are still used by many people. In addition to pots, more intricate products likes terracotta figures, carved vases, ornamental figurines are made as souvenirs for tourists.
Batiks: Even though it is an Indonesian art from batik making has developed in Sri Lanka into its unique style. Tourists can find a wide variety of batiks sold throughout the island. Some of the best and most original are the batik pictures made in Kandy and Fresco Batiks on the Peradeniya road outside Kandy.
Jewelary: Sri Lanka produces excellent jewelry which considerably benefits its own economy. There are two traditions of jewelry making: Galle tradition and Kandyan tradition. The Galle tradition is characterized by its precious stones while the Kandyan tradition is featured by its intricate metal work, especially silver work.
Architecture of Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan architecture, like most other forms of Sri Lankan art forms, is closely based on religious beliefs, primarily, Buddhism. In addition to Buddhism, Hinduism is another important influence on Sri Lankan architecture represented by the Hindu temples and. Since Sri Lanka has been occupied by three generations of colonization, beginning with the Portuguese, followed by the Dutch and finally the British, the architecture in Sri Lanka has been developed and influenced by those three culture though the course of time. The colonial legacy as seen in ancient colonial buildings in the country even enhances the charm of Sri Lanka. So to say that, Sri Lanka is a place where different cultures have intertwined together, creating harmony and at the same time the uniqueness of Sri Lanka.
Source: Http://www.lankazone.com
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