String hopper biriyani
25 string hoppers
¼ cup coconut milk
1 medium-sized carrot, cut into thin strips
½ leek, cut fine
½ medium-sized onion, cut fine
2 tbsp ghee or margarine
6 garlic cloves (peeled)
1cm piece of fresh ginger
4 cardamom pods (bruised)
1cm piece of cinnamon
3 cloves
5cm piece of rampe (pandan leaves)
1 sprig of curry leaf
salt to taste
6 king prawns (cleaned)
omelette made with 2 eggs, cut into strips
30g cashew nuts
20g sultanas
1 tbsp ghee
Heat the ghee and fry the cashews and sultanas.
1. Break up the string hoppers and moisten with the coconut milk.
2. Mix the prawns in ½ teaspoon chilli powder and ¼ teaspoon salt and deep fry.
3. In a mortar and pestle grind the ginger and garlic.
4. In a frypan or wok heat the ghee or margarine. Add cinnamon, cardamom pods and cloves.
5. Stir quickly, add the garlic and ginger paste.
6. Add the curry leaves and rampe and then carrots and leeks.
7. Turn the heat down and let the vegetables cook for a few minutes. Add string hoppers and salt, stir well.
8. Chop up fried prawns and add.
9. Make the omelette, cut into thin strips and garnish on top together with the cashews and sultanas.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
skin care tips

Everyone loves a list of tips right? Here is 8 tips to help keep your skin looking younger and its best!
1~When you go out you should use a natural sunscreen to protect your skin against harmful UV rays.
2~Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and stop you from squinting against the sun. When you crease up your eyes you will get those crows feet. You can also wear a broad brim hat.
3~Keep your skin hydrated: this will make it suppler and less inclined to get damaged and wrinkle. You can do this by drinking plenty of water and using a moisturizer.
4~Avoid tanning beds: a tan can be beautiful but not from a tanning bed. These are extremely harmful to your skin and should be used very sparingly if you want to preserve your skin.
5~Lipstick: is great for your lips and will keep them soft and supple.
6~Sleep: remember to get enough sleep. This will help reduce those dark shadows under your eyes. It will also help you to maintain your overall health and that of your skin.
7~Nutrition: You are what you eat and this applies particularly to your skin. If you eat more whole grain products and less refined foods you will get more nutrition and less digestive problems. Fruits and vegetables are very important because of the vitamins and minerals that they provide. Vitamins and minerals are very important to healthy skin. Vitamin E, A and C are especially good as they reverse the aging process in your skin. Cutting out refined sugar and junk food will also improve the health of your skin.
8~Try to use natural make up: some of the chemicals that are in make up would really make you shudder if you knew what they were and if you do not you should not be putting them on your face. Always remove your make up before you sleep to let your skin breathe and prevent the pores from clogging.
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LifeCam Cinema

Widescreen technology is everywhere these days, built into virtually every new notebook, desktop monitor and flat-panel TV,1 and Microsoft Hardware sets a new standard for webcams with LifeCam Cinema, the first consumer webcam on the PC to offer widescreen video with a native 720p sensor.2 The timing couldn’t be better, with more and more people going online to share videos with friends and family; in fact, more than 10 million videos are uploaded each month to Facebook alone.3 LifeCam Cinema webcam’s 720p widescreen sensor will deliver clear, quality videos — without leaving anyone out of the shot.
“When we started working on LifeCam Cinema almost a year ago, we were motivated by the fact that new computer displays were predominantly widescreen and top social networking sites were allowing widescreen video,” said Stuart Milton, systems engineer for Microsoft Hardware. “LifeCam Cinema sets the stage for the next generation of webcam use: uploading widescreen videos with amazing quality to social networking sites and soon chatting live with friends and family in widescreen format.”
LifeCam Cinema was created to deliver an experience like the movies, with great high-definition (HD) video and clear sound. However, life doesn’t happen on a movie set, and most people don’t have a lighting team in their house to make them look camera-ready. In common indoor settings (low-light situations4) Microsoft Corp. is delivering an easy way to show amazing video quality in these scenarios. Maintaining a high frame rate even in the lowest lighting, LifeCam Cinema helps ensure that users look well lit and that video remains smooth.
As the only PC consumer webcam on the market today with a native 720p sensor that delivers widescreen video capture at 16:9,2 LifeCam Cinema provides 720p high-definition video and features Auto Focus to keep video sharp from across the room all the way up to 4 inches from the webcam. Also launching with LifeCam Cinema is Microsoft’s ClearFrame Technology, which offers faster image processing technology to help deliver smooth video at any resolution and improved noise reduction technology to reduce image graininess and keep video sharp. Finally, the LifeCam Cinema webcam’s widescreen technology allows the widest angle of capture ever for a Microsoft webcam, at 74 degrees — no need to worry about leaving anything out of the shot again.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Top 10 Most Endangered Species on Earth

1. Siberian Tiger
With estimates of less than 200 Siberian Tigers left (most of which live in nature reserves), this cat is one of the most endangered species in the world. Threatened by a loss of habitat and poachers who kill the tigers for their skins and their meat, the great cat is in danger of disappearing.
2. Loggerhead Turtle
Found in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as the Atlantic Ocean, this turtle faces many obstacles. Once hunted for its meat and eggs, many Loggerhead turtles are caught in fishing nets and in Turkey, large hotels have been build directly on its breeding grounds all of which hinder the survival of this great reptile.
3. Jackass Penguins

Jackass Penguins face a myriad of threats, from oil spills and pollution to a dwindling seal food supply, which makes this penguin prey rather than peer. Once the most common sea bird in South Africa, the Jackass Penguin is one of the 10 most endangered species on earth.
4. Black Rhinoceros
Found in West Africa, the Black Rhinoceros is critically endangered and one of the 10 most endangered species on the earth. It is estimated that there are less than 2,500 of these great creatures left in the wild. Unlike many other species, loss of habitat has not been the main cause of dwindling numbers, instead poaching is this mammal’s greatest enemy. Their horns are extremely valuable and great numbers of these impressive beasts are being slaughtered for profit. The good news is that there are conservation actions in place and animal activists across the globe are doing what they can to keep the Black Rhinoceros off the list of extinction.
5. Greater Horseshoe Bat
Current estimates show that there are approximately between 4,000 and 6,000 Greater Horseshoe Bats left in the wild. Victims of insecticides, which have been used to kill insects found in crops, the Greater Horseshoe Bat is one of the 10 most endangered species on earth.
6. Great Apes
Amongst the world’s most threatened species are the great apes of Africa and Asia. Africa’s gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos live in regions of the country ripe with war and are being hunted for the commercial bush meat trade. In addition, disease and loss of habitat are causing the great apes to dramatically decline in numbers. Thanks to deforestation and construction in Asia, the habitat of the Orangutan is rapidly being destroyed. The good news is that conservation efforts are in place to save these primates from extinction.
7. Yangtze River Dolphin
This fresh water dolphin is quickly losing its habitat; the Yangtze River in Eastern China is one of the busiest and most polluted waterways in the world. The Yangtze River Dolphin is unique to others of its kind thanks to its long, upturned beak and low triangular dorsal fin. The female is usually larger than the male and both sexes are light blue with smooth white underbellies. It is feared that this graceful mammal may already be extinct, so few numbers of them can be found and latest studies suggest that they have not survived the threat to their environment.
8. Riverine Rabbit

Found in the Karoo Desert in South Africa, the Riverine Rabbit has lost most of its habitat to farming and development. Studies estimate that there are less than 250 of these rabbits left making them one of the 10 most endangered species on earth. The Riverine Rabbit is easily identifiable by the stripe of dark brown fur that runs from one corner of the mouth and across the cheek to the bottom of the ear. Considering they are rabbits, this species breeds very slowly making it difficult for the species to recover from the huge losses to their population.
9. Bactrian Camel
Studies estimate that there are less than 1,000 of these camels left on the planet thanks to an unforgiving habitat in the Gobi Desert. Although these mammals are hearty and can survive drought and food shortage, their numbers are dwindling thanks to loss of habitat and hunting. These two humped camels are smaller than most of its relatives and is well suited to its harsh life in the desert. Its long, narrow nostrils can close to protect the camel during sandstorms and its eyes are equipped with a double row of thick eyelashes to keep them free of debris. Without serious conservation efforts, the numbers of Bactrian Camels will continue to decline and moving the mammal up on the list of the top 10 most endangered species on earth.
10. Hirola
Africa’s most endangered antelope, the Hirola was once common throughout Eastern Africa. Its numbers have drastically lowered with population estimates being placed at 600 individuals. Threatened by poaching and loss of habitat, without serious conservation efforts, the Hirola faces extinction.
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Tips For Selecting Auto Insurance

When shopping for auto insurance, do a little homework first, shop around, and select your insurer carefully. Your insurer should offer both fair prices and excellent service. These tips will help you find the right insurer for you:
* Know your state's auto insurance requirements:
Most states require you to carry a minimum amount of liability coverage. Many states have "no-fault" auto insurance systems. Coverage for medical costs for you and your passengers is optional in some states. Coverage for damage to your car is optional.
* Write up your personal auto insurance profile:
List pertinent information concerning what type of vehicle you drive, where you drive, who else drives, what your driving record is, where you live, what optional safety features your car has. This profile will make the next step easier.
* Comparison Shop:
Prices for the same coverage can vary by hundreds of dollars, so it pays to shop around. Ask your friends, check the Yellow Pages, and call your state insurance department for guidance. Contact insurance agents or companies for general pricing information. Select a few insurers for personalized quotes.
* Meet with potential insurance agents:
Make a few appointments, bring your personal auto insurance profile with you, and ask questions. You want a fair price AND quality service. Ask about available discounts, higher deductibles, service options and claims procedures after accidents. Take notes.
* Compare Again:
Consider cost, coverage offered, and quality of service available. Select your insurer.
* Read your policy:
Yes, even the fine print! Ask questions. Keep your policy at hand. Call your insurer to keep your policy up-to-date, inform your agent of any changes (new car, new job, new driver, etc.), and ask periodically about any possible discounts. Review your policy yearly with your insurer.
* Keep your insurance information with you:
Many states require drivers to carry a proof-of-insurance card with them when driving. Ask your insurer for a card, and keep it in your wallet or in your car.
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Laptop Data Revovery

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Here's a few tips to remember.
1. If you are intent on attempting data recovery yourself then make sure you do it on a donor drive and not the original.
2. Never run ChkDsk or a defragmenter on your drive. It will not help and in fact it can and will only make matters worse. ChkDsk is the absolute worst piece of garbage ever written.
3. Never use a drive in your laptop that you think might be faulty. If you suspect something is wrong with your drive then backup the data and replace it. You can also send it to us and we will clone it to a new drive if it is possible.
4. Never on the advice of Acer, Dell, HP, Toshiba or Sony tech support (or whoever make your computer) should you use the restore disk that comes with the computer. This usually will reinstall Windows on your drive and erase your data. We cannot tell you how many times we get drives in for data recovery that have had Windows re-installed because of some stupid tech support person at the factory.
5. Calm down. Wait until the initial stress and shock of your data loss has subsided before you decide what to do. Attempting data recovery yourself or even choosing the wrong company for the job can cause you more damage.
Here's Some Tips for Data Recovery Engineers.
Choose a "DATA RECOVERY" Company very carefully. Sending your drive to an inexperienced company can only cause more damage. In fact this is the most common cause of "data loss".
Never power up a drive that may have been exposed to water, fire, lightning or smoke. The drive must be serviced or data recovered in an air-and static-controlled Class 100 clean room by data recovery professionals.
If you hear a clunk, clunk sound when you power up the drive then the servo pattern has been lost and the drive can't find track zero. Shut the drive down and do not power up again. You may break the TRK 00 Stop inside the drive.
Use the same type of precautions for any type of media including floppies, tapes, or CD's when the data is valuable to you or your company.
Do not continue powering up a drive you believe has been damaged. It can and will only get worse.
If a drive has been through a great deal of force or is visibly damaged do not try to power it up to see if you can see any data..
Don't t drop or hit the drive to get it "unstuck" or spinning again.
Do not remove the cover from the hard drive. This will only cause further damage.
Never shake the hard disk drive.
Don't expose the drive to extreme temperatures.
Do not attempt to recover data with commonly available software utility programs.
Backup your data frequently.
Package the drive properly when you send it in for data recovery. This is a major cause of permanent loss of data.
Don't assume that data is unrecoverable, no matter what it has been through
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What is Software Escrow?
Getting someone to write software for you can result in a wonderful, custom solution to your problem. It can also incur a significant amount of risk if things go wrong.
Software escrow is one way of protecting you in certain types of projects when certain things go wrong.
When you contract out for software to be written for you, there are several decisions that are part of the process. One that's often overlooked is whether or not you get a copy of the source code when the project is done.
The source code is the collection of written instructions that the programmer actually writes to create a program. For many types of programs, the source code is then transformed into the "executable" that you actually run. For example "notepad.exe" is a executable program that comes with Windows. Somewhere back at Microsoft they keep the written instructions, or source code, that the programmers used to create it.
Open source software projects make the source code publicly accessible. Anyone with enough knowledge can create the software executable using the source code. Closed source, or "proprietary" software is just the opposite ... the source code is not available publicly, only the executable. Companies use this approach to retain their intellectual property, and trade secrets.
When you contract with someone to write software for you one decision, implied or explicit, is whether the source code belongs exclusively to the developer, or whether you get a copy. If you do, you have the safety of being able to have someone else make changes or fix bugs in the future, but the developer is giving up some of his or her potential control of that software. If the developer retains the source code and you don't have access to it, then you are dependant on the developer for all future updates. Typically developers will charge more if you get the source code.
It's common to opt for the cheaper option, or to have the developer simply not give you the option.
So what happens if your developer goes out of business? What if all of the source code simply disappears?
That's where software or source code escrow comes into play.
As part of arranging for your software to be written, you and the developer can agree that a copy of the source code will be given to a neutral third party - an escrow agent. The agreement would then specify under which conditions that agent would be allowed to release the source code to you. For example one of the conditions might be the developer's bankruptcy or going out of business for other reasons. By using software escrow, the developer is protected as long as it makes sense for them to retain control, and you are protected should the developer disappear. (Naturally other conditions might trigger the release, but the developer's going out of business is a clear example.)
Software escrow is not fool proof. For example, what happens if the escrow agent goes away? And escrow typically adds some cost to your transaction.
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Software escrow is one way of protecting you in certain types of projects when certain things go wrong.
When you contract out for software to be written for you, there are several decisions that are part of the process. One that's often overlooked is whether or not you get a copy of the source code when the project is done.
The source code is the collection of written instructions that the programmer actually writes to create a program. For many types of programs, the source code is then transformed into the "executable" that you actually run. For example "notepad.exe" is a executable program that comes with Windows. Somewhere back at Microsoft they keep the written instructions, or source code, that the programmers used to create it.
Open source software projects make the source code publicly accessible. Anyone with enough knowledge can create the software executable using the source code. Closed source, or "proprietary" software is just the opposite ... the source code is not available publicly, only the executable. Companies use this approach to retain their intellectual property, and trade secrets.
When you contract with someone to write software for you one decision, implied or explicit, is whether the source code belongs exclusively to the developer, or whether you get a copy. If you do, you have the safety of being able to have someone else make changes or fix bugs in the future, but the developer is giving up some of his or her potential control of that software. If the developer retains the source code and you don't have access to it, then you are dependant on the developer for all future updates. Typically developers will charge more if you get the source code.
It's common to opt for the cheaper option, or to have the developer simply not give you the option.
So what happens if your developer goes out of business? What if all of the source code simply disappears?
That's where software or source code escrow comes into play.
As part of arranging for your software to be written, you and the developer can agree that a copy of the source code will be given to a neutral third party - an escrow agent. The agreement would then specify under which conditions that agent would be allowed to release the source code to you. For example one of the conditions might be the developer's bankruptcy or going out of business for other reasons. By using software escrow, the developer is protected as long as it makes sense for them to retain control, and you are protected should the developer disappear. (Naturally other conditions might trigger the release, but the developer's going out of business is a clear example.)
Software escrow is not fool proof. For example, what happens if the escrow agent goes away? And escrow typically adds some cost to your transaction.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Garmin 1490T nuvi GPS Device

Garmin International Inc. recently introduced its latest GPS device called nuvi 1490T that features 5-inch Touch Sensitive Technology and multiple navigation tools that will provide road mapping details that will help travelers to easily locate their destinations.
The nuvi 1490T’s main focal point is its sleek design, which is about 25 percent slimmer than its predecessors. The ultra-thin design is perfect for people who want smaller but more efficient GPS device inside their cars. The design is also a good travel companion for people who love strolling around on foot.
Another impressive feature of the GPS device is the 5-inch touch-screen LCD which provides convenient viewing experience for its users. Meanwhile, the 5-inch LCD also gives drivers a clearer view of the directions so they won’t need to take their eyes off the road.
Another amazing feature of the device is its route planning capability, which can save up to 10 different routes all at once. This feature also allows the gadget to display road signs, street directions, and arrows pointing to the proper lane.
The “multiple-point” routing capability of the new nuvi 1490T is the most efficient innovation in the GPS category. The feature will take care of all the calculation to provide users the most cost efficient and fastest route between multiple points.
Users do not have to worry about different time zones as the gadget automatically adjusts the time once travelers crossed the borders. It also has a built-in speed limit indicator giving users real-time display of speed limits in every major highway in the map.
Meanwhile, the best feature of the new nuvi 1490T is the built-in traffic receiver that gives users real-time updates of traffic situation on every road to their destination. (NAVTEQ and Garmin’s ecoRoute will provide the free lifetime traffic alert.) However, this feature is only available in selected coverage points. The ecoRoute, on the other hand, will give users options and suggestion on what points to take for a more fuel efficient travel.
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Investing for Beginners: Stock Market Basics

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Investing for Beginners: Stock Market Basics
If you're very new to the stock market, you may be wondering what a stock really is. Very simply, it's a share of ownership in a company. When you own one or more shares of stock, you are called a shareholder, and as such, you are entitled to a representative portion of the company's profits, which are sometimes paid out as dividends.
Types of Stock
There are basically two main types of stock: common and preferred. Common stock represents the majority of stock. It represents ownership in a company and a claim on a portion of profits, or dividends. The dividend amount fluctuates and is not guaranteed. Shareholders are entitled to one vote per share to elect board members, who oversee the major decisions made by the company's management. In the long run, common stock yields higher returns than most other investments.
Preferred stock represents a degree of ownership in a company but usually doesn't include voting rights. With this type of stock, shareholders are usually guaranteed a fixed dividend amount.
Purchasing Stock
Once you've decided to invest in the stock market, you must decide how you'll buy stocks. There are two main ways to do this. The first is through a full-service broker. Full-service brokers offer you financial planning and advice on selecting investments, and are usually the most expensive way to purchase shares of stock. However, if you don't have the time or know-how to select and manage your investments, it can be a very beneficial arrangement.
The second way to purchase stocks is through a discount broker.These brokers work with investors who are willing and able to research and make their own investment decisions. Discount brokers do not offer financial advice and charge low trading commissions.
Stock Trading
Most stocks are traded on exchanges. An exchange is a place where buyers and sellers meet and decide on a price. Most exchanges are physical locations, such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), while others are virtual or over-the-counter (OTC). Virtual exchanges consist of a network of computers where trades are made electronically. The Nasdaq is the most popular example of a virtual exchange.
Why Stock Prices Change
The price of a stock is generally determined by supply and demand. For instance, if there are more people who want to buy a stock than people who want to sell it, the price will rise. This is because shares of that stock are more rare, and people are willing to pay a higher price for them. The opposite is also true. If there are a lot of shares of stock for sale but no one wants to buy them, the price will quickly drop. Because of these factors, the stock market can appear to have great fluctuations.
Understanding supply and demand is easy. What is difficult to comprehend is what makes people like a particular stock and dislike another stock. Basically, the price movement of a stock indicates what investors feel a company is worth – but don't equate a company's value with the stock price, as that is not always an accurate indicator.
The Bulls and the Bears
A bull market is when the economy is in good shape,the unemployment rate is low, and stock prices are rising. It's easy to pick stocks during a bull market because everything is going up. Beware that bull markets can't last forever, and sometimes lead to disaster if stocks become overvalued.
A bear market occurs when the economy is in bad shape, recession is impending and stock prices take a dive. It is very difficult to pick high-performing stocks during such a time. However, some investors prefer to purchase stock in a bear market, while the prices are low, and stick with them until the prices go back up.
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Nutrition Tips for Dogs & Cats

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A balanced, healthy nutrition plan is an important part of your pet’s health. Your pet requires a balanced diet that will help to keep him healthy. Pets are unlike humans – the food they eat is the same day to day, as humans are able to choose a variety of different foods day to day. For this reason alone your pet needs to meet his nutritional requirements for proteins, vitamins and minerals all in one daily diet.
Practicing a good, healthy diet is not only good for your pets overall health it will also help his skin, hair coat and more. A healthy nutrition plan will help his internal workings to assure your pet’s optimal health and long life here with you!
Let’s take a look at some of the crucial nutritional values your dog‘s diet should contain on an average:
Vitamins and minerals in small amounts are essential to your pets overall health and well being. Calcium and phosphorus (parts of the bone) sodium (essential part of the of the enzymes system) and iron (component of hemoglobin) are just a few of the many essential vitamins and minerals needed for your pets optimal health and nutrition. Taking the time to assure your pet is getting proper nutrition will lead to him having a happier, healthier, longer life!
Protein is another vitamin that is crucial for your pet’s heath. Protein is his source of amino acids which are required for the manufacturing of bones, muscles, hair coat, skin and everything else inside his body. Protein is an essential part of your pets nutritional and diet nutritional needs. Roughly the amount of protein needed in his diet, is 20% in dog food and 30% in cat foods.
Cats are a carnivore which means they require meat protein and also have a higher need of protein intake in general than dogs. Dogs are omnivores like humans, which makes them able to use both meat and vegetables to balance their nutritional intake. In fact, dogs can do well on a properly balanced vegetarian diet whereas a cat might not due as well since they require more overall protein intake.
Fiber (derived from plants) is also an essential part to a balanced diet. Fiber is the indigestible substance found in food. Minimal amounts of fiber are essential for proper food digestion. Without proper fiber intake in your pet’s diet, he would suffer from diarrhea which could then result in more potential health problems and risks.
Many of the poor quality pet foods include a higher amount of fiber than most pet foods because it’s cheaper for the company to manufacture. T
Dietary fat supplies are most of the body’s caloric requirements as well as essential fatty acids. In fact “fat” is the most expensive of ingredients that are found in pet foods. It is for this reason that that some of the lower pried dog food companies skimp on the quality and quantity of fats contained within the pet foods. Inadequate, poor quality fats will result in your pet having poor skin and coat health which could possible lead to more serious health concerns. There are some dog food manufacturers that add extra essential fatty acids to their food to promote healthy skin and coat – this is the food you should try and feed to your dog!
And there you have it, the basics to helping your pet avoid long term health problems and risks that may arise due to poor nutrition and eating habits. We hope these basic pet food nutrition tips will encourage you to do your research when picking which pet food is best for your bet. In the end, it will help assure your pets overall health and well being.
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Heart Health-10 ways to reduce cholesterol

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1. Eat the right kind of fat to reduce cholestrol
Foods high in monounsaturated fats, such as almonds and avocados, will boost HDL. Almonds are 70 per cent monounsaturated fat and also contain two powerful antioxidants: vitamin E and flavonoids, which prevent the oxidation of LDL. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as salmon and flaxseeds, also have a good HDL-raising reputation.
2. Avoid coffee to reduce cholestrol
Caffeine junkies should note that downing three to six cups a day will raise your cholesterol by eight to ten per cent, according to a US National Institutes of Health study. The report also found that coffee drinkers experienced an 18 per cent rise in their fatty acids in the blood, the stuff that drives the production of bad cholesterol.
3. Choose low-GI carbs to reduce cholestrol
People on high-carbohydrate diets crammed with pasta and bread tend to have lower HDL levels than those who eat plenty of protein, good fats and fruit and veg. Switching to carbs with a low glycaemic index (GI) rating such as beans and wholemeal bread will also help you keep your energy levels stable and lose weight.
4. Jump around to reduce cholestrol
Working out raises your levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), commonly known as 'good cholesterol'. HDL is the stuff that takes cholesterol away from cells - where high levels can increase the risk of coronary heart disease - and back to the liver, where it's either broken down or excreted. But this doesn't mean you need to run marathons. Studies have found that your HDL levels will increase by doing just four moderate 30-minute sessions of aerobic exercise a week.
5. Lose your gut to reduce cholestrol
Here's another reason to banish the belly: being overweight raises total blood cholesterol levels. Not only will carrying extra inches around your waist throw your cholesterol levels out of balance, but it will also raise levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or 'bad cholesterol' - the harmful kind that allows cholesterol to clog blood vessels.
6. Know your levels to reduce cholestrol
The Department of Health's guidelines state that your total cholesterol should be less than 5 millimoles per litre (mmol/l) and your LDL cholesterol should be less than 3mmol/l. Home-testing kits are available but are usually inconclusive, so if you take one and the reading is high you should make an appointment to see your GP. He or she can arrange a blood test, which will diagnose your blood cholesterol levels and, if necessary, test for conditions that can be responsible for raising cholesterol, such as an underactive thyroid, diabetes and kidney and liver problems.
7. Stop smoking to reduce cholestrol
Along with all its other effects, smoking lowers HDL levels. So if you're fond of the odd fag, stubbing it out is the simplest way to give your good cholesterol a lift.
8. Keep calm to reduce cholestrol
Men who are able to keep calm when confronted with stressful situations benefit from increased levels of good cholesterol. Researchers at Oregon State University and the University of Hawaii found that people who reacted to stressful situations with hostility had lower HDL levels than those who were able to control their aggression.
9. Avoid saturated fat to reduce cholestrol
Cut back on foods that are rich in saturated and trans fats, because these stimulate the liver to produce extra cholesterol. The liver usually produces about 1g of cholesterol a day, but this can be multiplied by the consumption of foods such as fatty cuts of meat, ready meals, puddings, biscuits, cakes, pies and pastries.
10. Eat lots of fibre to reduce cholestrol
The type of soluble fibre found in oats, apples, pears, peas and kidney beans among other foods can slow cholesterol and raise HDL levels. Eating foods such as these also helps to keep your gut feeling satisfied, which can help you lose weight. A bowl of wholegrain cereal or porridge with berries is a good way to start to the day.
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Monday, October 19, 2009

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The Basics - Foot Care Tips
These basic foot care tips are pretty easy to remember. Even easier to do.
1. Wash your feet daily. Use lukewarm water, a mild soap or antibacterial soap. Rinse off all the soap and dry thoroughly. Make sure you get between the toes too! You can do this while bathing or sitting down. You may even try a long handled brush like a shower back brush.
2. Keep your toe nails trimmed. Make sure you trim your nails straight across and not too short. Don't go cutting or digging them into the corners either. That's just asking for trouble. Ingrown toe nails are really not fun. Trimming will be a lot easier too if you do this just after you've finished bathing or washing your feet.
3. Dry Skin? You can use a moisturizing lotion to help with this. This can be helpful in dry climates or different times of year that are drier than others. A small amount of generic lotion applied a few times a day can help you.
4. Inspect your feet regularly. You may want to get a friend to help you look at those 'harder to see' parts. Funny how there's more of those as we get a little more 'mature'! Let your health care professional know if any unusual signs persist. Catching them early is important.
5. No self treatment that includes trying to trim, shave or dissolve corns or calluses. See your doctor and get the proper remedies.
6. Wear clean socks. Change your socks or stockings daily. Make sure they are not too tight or too short. Have a quick look here for more on choosing socks if you missed it.
7. Wear shoes that fit! Seems so simple but just making sure of this makes a world of difference to your foot health. If you missed the shoe fitting section have a look here.
8. Walk daily!. Another really simple foot care tip. The mere act of walking gives your feet exercise. That exercise goes a real long way in keeping your feet healthy. Haven't started yet? You can start from the beginning here or go straight to our walking programs here if you like
Sweaty Feet?
Here's some foot care tips just for you. Note these are in addition to the foot care tips above.
1. Wear the right shoes. Try to choose leather, canvas shoe or a shoe made with a highly breathable material. Sandals are very good. Try to avoid synthetic materials. Some of the modern materials could work very well for you even though they are not technically leather or canvas. You may have to experiment a bit.
Be sure and read our pages on choosing shoes here. Pay special attention to the wicking characteristics of both the shoes and the socks. A longish read but very worth it for you.
2. Change shoes daily. A bit of a nuisance but you want to give your shoes a chance to rest, breath and dry a bit between uses. You don't want to give fungi a place to get started!
3. Use foot powder. Use a good quality brand recommended by your doctor for your feet.
4. Be diligent. You are more prone to having athlete's foot get started. Sweating doesn't cause athlete's foot all by itself. When you combine it with moisture and poor ventilation in that shoe though it create a good situation for it to get started. This is a contagious disease.
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About Stock Market Basics

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Companies are started by individuals or maybe a small circle of people. They pool their money or obtain loans, raising funds to launch the business. A choice is made to organize the business as a sole proprietorship where one person or a married couple owns everything, or as a partnership. Later they may choose to "incorporate". As a corporation, the owners are not personally responsible or liable for any debts of the company if the company doesn't succeed.
Corporations issue official-looking sheets of paper that represent ownership of the company. These are called stock certificates, and each certificate represents a set number of shares. The total number of shares will vary from one company to another, as each makes its own choice about how many pieces of ownership to divide the corporation into. One corporation may have only 2,500 shares, while another may issue over a billion shares such as IBM and Ford Motor Company.
Companies sell stock (pieces of ownership) to raise money and provide funding for the expansion and growth of the business. The business founders give up part of their ownership in exchange for this needed cash. The expectation is that even though the owners have surrendered a portion of the company to the public, their remaining share of stock will become increasingly valuable as the business grows.
Corporations are not allowed to sell shares of stock on the open market without the approval of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
This transition from a privately held corporation to a publicly traded one is called going public, and this first sale of stock to the public is called an initial public offering, or IPO. Usually an IPO is sponsored by an investment bank (the underwriter) such as Merrill Lynch, Salomon-Smith Barney, or Goldman Sachs.
Companies can choose to incorporate, by filling the appropriate papers and paying a fee, in any state that they choose. This becomes their charter state where they must maintain an office address.
Officers are chosen - president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer, and a board of directors may be established. It is the board of directors' duty to represent the shareholders, who of course at the early stages of a company's life, are going to be the company founders.
Most corporations stay privately owned although they may elect to sell stock to qualified investors.
You can tell if a company is a corporation by seeing the "Inc." after its name, or other letters such as LTD or AG if the company is based in a foreign country.
Common Stock - standard shares issued by a corporation. Most stocks traded are common stock.
Preferred Stock - special class of stock that is issued without voting rights, but promises a fixed dividend. If a company is forced to liquidate and close its doors, preferred shareholders stand in line in front of common stock holders, for any proceeds available after secured creditors are paid.
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Exercise for your dog

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Dogs need both physical and mental stimulation provided by their owners by daily exercise. Exercises give a dog a natural outlet for energy. They create strong bodies and good muscle tone for the pet. Lack of sufficient exercise, will result in boredom and behavioral problems. A well-known yard or a house is often boring for a dog. Even if the dog is in a big yard, few exercise on their own, so it will presumably sleep all day without the interaction of exercise by the owner.
Just letting your dog out to the backyard is not enough and does not give the exercise the dog needs. And again a brief daily walk sometimes is not enough either. Then how do you decide how much exercise your dog needs? The type of exercise you choose for your dog should depend on the age, weight, health and breed of the dog. Is your dog eating a lot? If it is, is it eating out of boredom? Is your dog a hunter or a retriever who likes to run or is it a small breed who likes to sit on the couch? These are some of the questions you have to ask before you provide your dog the proper daily workout.
If your dog is old, you have to encourage your dog to exercise, like walking. If your dog is pregnant you should never over exercise her. Daily exercise is recommended unless there is a medical problem. You should consult your veterinarian before you decide on a fitness program for your pet. Healthy dogs need interaction with other dogs and people. Dog parks are great for this and some of them allow the dogs to play and walk unleashed. You should check the regularities of the parks around your area.
Most dogs enjoy games of catch which is a good exercise for your dog. But you should be careful about using soft objects or tennis balls to avoid harming the dog's teeth.
Long walks in the woods, parks or on the beach will also make your pet happy. Jogging or biking is great way to spend time with each other and it is beneficial for both of you to build strong muscles. There are some things that you should be careful about during these activities
- Avoid jogging or biking with your dog if it has any pre-existing health problems.
- Take notice if the dog seems to be tired.
- Take water along for your dog, too.
- On hot summer days, you should go out early in the morning or late evening when it is cooler.
Dogs enjoy playing with Frisbees on land or in water. Also you can play a simple game with a rope. You can get a rope and let your dog take one end and you the other, then you both pull away.
Swimming also is an enjoyable activity for your dog.
Exercising with your dog creates a human-dog bond. It is a great way to show that you care about your dog and make it happy. Tired dogs are the happiest ones.
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7 health benefits of drinking water

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Most people don’t quite get the health benefits of drinking water yet. They usually think that water is only needed when you feel thirsty and there couldn’t be a bigger mistake than that. About 66% of our body weight is water. Our muscles contains about 75% water, our brain tissue contains about 85% water, 83% of our blood is water and even 22% of our bones is water. Because our body contains so much water, it’s vital to keep drinking plenty of water. Without water we would dehydrate. And dehydration can result in our organs not functioning properly which can end in death.
1. Keep your brain healthy
As described in the introduction of this post, our brain tissue contains about 85% water. Drinking water regularly will keep the brain functioning properly. Studies have shown that not drinking enough water, dehydration, can be a key element in causing headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression.
2. Water regulates body temperature
Water helps regulate body temperature, especially during exercise. When you exercise, you lose water through your breath and by sweating. As the sweat evaporates, your body cools. Replenishing water loss during exercise is crucial for physical performance and good health. Too much water loss will increase your risk of heat exhaustion. In addition to your normal six to eight glasses of water each day, drink a glass before you exercise. Then, for each 20 minutes of exercise, drink another cup or more. Be sure to drink a cup or two after you finish.
3. Flush out the toxins
The function of our kidneys is to remove waste from our bodies. They help to lush toxins such as uric acid, urea and lactic acid the kidneys out of our blood stream. These are the toxins that make us feel sluggish and unwell. The toxins can also put a harmful burden on the other systems in the body. Drinking water regularly lessens the burden on your kidneys keeping us pollution free.
4. Decrease risk of heart attacks
Researchers at the Loma Linda University in California studied more than 20,000 healthy men and women and found that people who drank more than 5 glasses of water a day are less likely to die from a heart attack than people who drink less than two.
5. Raise your metabolism
As described in the post about metabolism, metabolism is the means by which the food we consume is turned into energy. The first chemical process that takes place is digestion. This process will prepare the nutrients in the food to be absorbed by the body and transformed into energy. Drinking plenty of water is essential to maintain a good digestion which in turn keep your metabolism going. The health benefit of water is better utilization of the nutrients you consume resulting in more energy.
6. Fresh and healthy skin
Water primarily stimulates the circulation of blood, fluids, and the necessary elements inside our body. Additionally, it also controls and regulates the skin’s natural balance. When water is warm, it has the power to hydrate, revitalize, detoxify, and oxygenate the skin. Warm water also gets rid of blackheads and makes large pores smaller. Drinking water makes the body more relaxed and invigorated. It also replaces the moisture lost due to everyday activities. Simply put, these are all the benefits of drinking water for skin.
7. Lose weight by drinking water
Drinking water is important if you’re trying to lose weight, some studies have shown that thirst and hunger sensations are triggered together. If there is a slight dehydration the thirst mechanism may be mistaken for hunger and one may eat when the body is actually craving fluid. As most food contains some water, if one doesn’t drink much they may be subconsciously driven to eat more to gain the necessary water supply however, you also gain the undesired effects of increased calorie consumption. Drinking more water can help to prevent overeating and benefit weight loss.
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