Important tips to bear in mind while buying stocks
You can find stock market tips in the newspaper, in magazines, and in chat rooms on the Internet. Free stock market tips are dominant everywhere - forums, newsletters, and a wide variety of publications exist solely to give new investors stock market advice tips. This article provides you with details on:
* Why it is important to but stocks from companies that you trust?
* How a full service investment adviser can help you in buying shares?
* What is the risk of overvaluation?
When it comes to stock tips, everyone seems to be an expert. You can find stock market tips in the newspaper, in magazines, and in chat rooms on the Internet. Free stock market tips are dominant everywhere - forums, newsletters, and a wide variety of publications exist solely to give new investors stock market advice tips. However, not all stocks tips are the same. If you're looking for tips on buying stocks, you should be very careful to only trust the advice of experts rather than believing everything you read. Above all, you will want to follow your own good common sense rather than blindly believing what you are told.
Tips on How to Buy a Company Stock
When it comes to buying company stock, investors have found a few tips that seem to work well:
1.Research Companies Before You Invest In Their Stock
Research in a company means that you know what the company produces, what the company's future plans are, and are therefore able to predict how successful the company maybe in the future. Researching before you buy stock reduces the chances are that you will buy a company that is headed for bankruptcy rather than profits.
2.If You Listen to Stock Tips When You Buy Your Stock, Be Wary Where You Get Your Advice
Your friends may know something about the stock market, but you are far more likely to get quality and valuable advice from an adviser rather than an amateur investor.
3.Buy Into Companies That You Trust
Those companies that you trust for your everyday needs -- the companies that make your clothing, your car, and other products that you rely on for quality -- are often a good lead for good investments. If you trust the company for the quality and notice that they produce consistently good products, chances are that other people will too. This means that the company's product may keep selling and the chances that you will make money on your investment are good.
Tips on Where to Go to Buy Stock
Many people fret about where to buy stock. Today, the investor has more choices than ever before:
4.The Internet
Today, many investors like buying their stocks on the Internet. Not only is it relatively secure and fast, but it allows an investor maximum control over their stock purchases.
5.A Stock Broker
Stockbrokers work to buy stocks on your behalf. You tell your broker which micro cap stocks you wish to buy and how much you wish to buy. You give them the money and the broker buys your stock for you.
6.A Full-Service Investment Adviser
A full-service investment adviser oversees your entire portfolio. This means that they not only buy stocks for you but also provide financial advice and information. A full-service investment adviser will work with you to determine your overall financial goals and will set up a schedule of investment for you so that you invest regularly. Most financial experts suggest that beginning investors use a full-service investment adviser to buy stocks. Even though this costs a little more, it will keep you safe from many of the stock mistakes that initial investors make.
7.When is the Right Time to Buy Stock?
Most financial experts agree that the correct time to buy stock is -- right now. While it is absolutely true that the stock market timings goes up and down, it is also true that the earlier you invest in stock the faster you will start seeing profits. If you wait for the perfect time to invest you will only delay investment and rob yourself of potential profits. If the stock market is doing well when you enter the market, you may wish to buy less initially as stocks will be more expensive. However, you should invest when you have the money and in fact you should invest as soon as you have the money. The sooner you invest the faster you can start making interest.
8.What are the Risks of Stock?
The major risk of stocks is that the company you are investing in will fail or will lose money. That is, you will invest in a company that does not make a profit, and when the company does not make a profit, you lose money. If you buy a stock for one dollar, for example, in the company starts to lose money, fewer investors will purchase the stock and in fact many investors will begin to sell. The value of your stock will decrease and if you wish to sell your stock you will have to accept an amount of less than one dollar for the same stock.
9.The other major risk is that you will buy a stock that is
This means that you will buy a stock that initially seems to be valuable but will eventually be proven to be valueless. This has happened in the past when famously hot and therefore expensive stocks have become worthless overnight. Often, this happens when a company seems to be on the launch of great profits and everyone rushes to buy stocks from them. If you buy a stock at this point, you will pay more for the stock, simply because there's more demand for it. If eventually the promise of great profits does not come true, then everyone will start selling their stock and stock prices will fall dramatically.
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Friday, November 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Child safety in your home
If you have young children living in your home or visiting your home, you need to know what to do to make it safe for them. Children are curious by nature, they will explore and plunder at any given opportunity. You want to ensure that there are no hidden dangers in your home.
Let's look at some of the major causes of injury to children and what parents can to do to protect their children from harm.
There are many instances in the home where a child or baby can be hurt in a fall. Children have been injured by falling off of beds or furniture, slipping on floors, falling down stairs and out of windows, and many falls occur in the bathroom.
How can you prevent falls?
1. Never leave babies or small children alone on beds, changing tables or furniture.
2. Make sure the cover is fastened securely on the high chair and always use the safety belt.
3. Many falls occur on slippery floors or rugs. If you have throw rugs in your home, make sure to secure them with a rubber mat which can be found in many department stores or home decor stores.
4. Children like to play on stairs, as a result, many home injuries occur on stairs each year. Never leave kids unattended near a stairway.
5. Always use safety gates to block off access to stairs if you have babies or toddlers in the home.
6. Keep all items picked up from the stairs. Toys and other items left on stairs cause many trip and fall accidents.
7. Never leave children unattended near open windows. Screens will not prevent a child from falling out. Keep windows closed and locked if they are within the reach of children.8. Never leave a child of any age unattended in the bathroom. Simply trying to stand up in the bathtub could cause serious injuries. Use a slip proof bath mat to prevent slips.
Fires and burns
1. Most fires and burns occur in the kitchen. To decrease your child's chances of a burn, never allow them to play in or near the kitchen.
2. Candles have become increasing popular as home decorating items. If you have candles in your home, keep the candles and matches out of children's reach.
3. When cooking, turn the handles of your pots toward the back of the stove, so that they do not hang over the front edge where small hands can reach up and grab them.
4. Be cautious when opening the oven door that a small child is not standing nearby.
5. Install plate covers on all electrical outlets to prevent burns or electrocution.
6. Keep hot food or beverages away from the edges of the counter tops so that small children cannot reach up to pull them off.
7. Make sure that your home is properly equipped with smoke alarms.
The majority of home drownings occur in the bathtub and in pools.
1. Never leave children unattended in the bathtub or the bathroom. Small children have even drowned in toilets.
2. If you have a pool, lake, river or body of water near your home, take extra precautions to ensure that children cannot get outside without your permission.
3. Install safety gates around pools.
Suffocation and Choking
1. Small children often put things that they find on the floor into their mouths. Keep all small items off the floor and out of a child's reach.
2. Small, hard candy is also responsible for many choking incidences. Try to refrain from giving hard candy to small children. If you do give it to them, try breaking it into bite size pieces to lessen the chance of it getting lodged in their throats.
3. Cords can easily strangle small children. Keep phone cords and cords from window blinds out of a child's reach.
The statistics of children being killed or injured by firearms is very frightening. If you choose to keep firearms, especially hand guns in a home where children live, make sure that they are educated about its dangers.
1. Never keep a loaded gun where a child of any age, including teens, can get their hands on it.
2. Keep all guns and ammunition in separate locked cabinets. Don't store them together.
3. Have safety locks installed on any guns in your possession.
4. Almost half of all firearm injuries happen in a friend's home. Make sure your child is aware of the dangers of guns and knows to tell an adult if they see a gun or if any of their friends show them a gun.
Children are naturally curious and automatically put things they find into their mouths. They may easily mistake pills or insecticide tablets for candy or a poisonous liquid for juice.
To help prevent accidental poisoning:
1. Never refer to medications as "candy", children may think other medications are candy and try to sneak some when an adult is not looking
2. Ask your pharmacist to put child-resistant caps on all of your prescriptions.
3. If you carry any medications in your purse, even aspirin, never leave your purse where a small child can get into.
4. When discard old medicine bottles, dispose of any pills or liquid left in the bottle by flushing them down the toilet or down the sink.
5. Store medicine and other poisonous substances in your top cabinets where children cannot reach them. If your children are old enough to climb onto the counters, install safety latches.
Always use extra precautions when child-proofing your home. Get down on the child's level to see what looks interesting or what they may be able to reach. Children have a way of getting into things that you might think they couldn't get into. You can never do too much child proofing: in all instances, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Source :
Let's look at some of the major causes of injury to children and what parents can to do to protect their children from harm.
There are many instances in the home where a child or baby can be hurt in a fall. Children have been injured by falling off of beds or furniture, slipping on floors, falling down stairs and out of windows, and many falls occur in the bathroom.
How can you prevent falls?
1. Never leave babies or small children alone on beds, changing tables or furniture.
2. Make sure the cover is fastened securely on the high chair and always use the safety belt.
3. Many falls occur on slippery floors or rugs. If you have throw rugs in your home, make sure to secure them with a rubber mat which can be found in many department stores or home decor stores.
4. Children like to play on stairs, as a result, many home injuries occur on stairs each year. Never leave kids unattended near a stairway.
5. Always use safety gates to block off access to stairs if you have babies or toddlers in the home.
6. Keep all items picked up from the stairs. Toys and other items left on stairs cause many trip and fall accidents.
7. Never leave children unattended near open windows. Screens will not prevent a child from falling out. Keep windows closed and locked if they are within the reach of children.8. Never leave a child of any age unattended in the bathroom. Simply trying to stand up in the bathtub could cause serious injuries. Use a slip proof bath mat to prevent slips.
Fires and burns
1. Most fires and burns occur in the kitchen. To decrease your child's chances of a burn, never allow them to play in or near the kitchen.
2. Candles have become increasing popular as home decorating items. If you have candles in your home, keep the candles and matches out of children's reach.
3. When cooking, turn the handles of your pots toward the back of the stove, so that they do not hang over the front edge where small hands can reach up and grab them.
4. Be cautious when opening the oven door that a small child is not standing nearby.
5. Install plate covers on all electrical outlets to prevent burns or electrocution.
6. Keep hot food or beverages away from the edges of the counter tops so that small children cannot reach up to pull them off.
7. Make sure that your home is properly equipped with smoke alarms.
The majority of home drownings occur in the bathtub and in pools.
1. Never leave children unattended in the bathtub or the bathroom. Small children have even drowned in toilets.
2. If you have a pool, lake, river or body of water near your home, take extra precautions to ensure that children cannot get outside without your permission.
3. Install safety gates around pools.
Suffocation and Choking
1. Small children often put things that they find on the floor into their mouths. Keep all small items off the floor and out of a child's reach.
2. Small, hard candy is also responsible for many choking incidences. Try to refrain from giving hard candy to small children. If you do give it to them, try breaking it into bite size pieces to lessen the chance of it getting lodged in their throats.
3. Cords can easily strangle small children. Keep phone cords and cords from window blinds out of a child's reach.
The statistics of children being killed or injured by firearms is very frightening. If you choose to keep firearms, especially hand guns in a home where children live, make sure that they are educated about its dangers.
1. Never keep a loaded gun where a child of any age, including teens, can get their hands on it.
2. Keep all guns and ammunition in separate locked cabinets. Don't store them together.
3. Have safety locks installed on any guns in your possession.
4. Almost half of all firearm injuries happen in a friend's home. Make sure your child is aware of the dangers of guns and knows to tell an adult if they see a gun or if any of their friends show them a gun.
Children are naturally curious and automatically put things they find into their mouths. They may easily mistake pills or insecticide tablets for candy or a poisonous liquid for juice.
To help prevent accidental poisoning:
1. Never refer to medications as "candy", children may think other medications are candy and try to sneak some when an adult is not looking
2. Ask your pharmacist to put child-resistant caps on all of your prescriptions.
3. If you carry any medications in your purse, even aspirin, never leave your purse where a small child can get into.
4. When discard old medicine bottles, dispose of any pills or liquid left in the bottle by flushing them down the toilet or down the sink.
5. Store medicine and other poisonous substances in your top cabinets where children cannot reach them. If your children are old enough to climb onto the counters, install safety latches.
Always use extra precautions when child-proofing your home. Get down on the child's level to see what looks interesting or what they may be able to reach. Children have a way of getting into things that you might think they couldn't get into. You can never do too much child proofing: in all instances, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Source :
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
City of Eternals-Game

New: Welcome to the City of Eternals
We’re super psyched to bring you this new release and introduce you to the City of Eternals. Based on your awesome feedback, we have made many improvements and bug fixes since the last version we tested several days ago.
The characters you play – Vampires, Werewolves, Slayers and Zombies – inhabit this world of mystery and intrigue. You’ve already begun learning about this City through Quests. Different factions – House DuArc, the White Crow Vampires, House Valnerian – are fighting for control and influence over the City, New Valencia. They’ve been staking out different venues – Club Hypnotique, the Mahongany Secret – and claiming them as their own. In time, you’ll figure out what your place in this world is and how you can become the one true leader…

New things in this release:
* New maximum level of 30!
* New avatar images
* Number of fights you can use in each attack has increased, scaled to your level
* Sneak Peak at the 3D City of Eternals and the exclusive, members-only Bite Club
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More Info :
Ten Apps All New Android Users Should Check Out

Ten Apps All New Android Users Should Check Out
1.Twidroid *
What is it?: Twitter Client
Price: Free; “Pro” version available for around €3.39 (around $5)
Description: We’re seeing more and more Twitter clients hit the Android Market as of late, but Twidroid still seems to be the crowd favorite. The free version offers up all the basics (Tweeting, mentions, DM, search, image uploading, etc.), while the Pro version adds video, multi-accounts, and theming support.
2.qik *
What is it? Video Streaming
Price: Free
Description: The plethora of video streaming applications on Android serves as a fantastic example of the strengths of Android’s open market. While such video streaming clients have been floating around in Apple’s moderation queue for over a year now (and are still only available on jailbroken iPhones), they were made available on Android almost immediately after launch. There are a ton of options available here – I’d recommend starting with Qik or Ustream.
3.flyscreen *
What is it? Lockscreen replacement
Price: Free
Description: You see that lockscreen each and every time you pull your phone out of your pocket – might as well put it to use, right? Flyscreen replaces the default lockscreen with a user-customizable canvas for widgets, with everything from Twitter to TMZ. It’s a wee bit buggy on the Droid, primarily because of its high resolution – but the Flyscreen guys have already confirmed that an update is on the way.
4.nesoid *
What is it? NES emulator
Price: $1.99, Lite version available
Description: It’s an NES emulator, and it works damn well – do we really need to say anything else? For obvious legal reasons, you’ll need to provide your own ROMs – but once that’s out of the way, it’ll handle just about any popular NES game you can throw at it. We’ve heard mixed reports as to how well this (primarily the Lite version) is working on Android 2.0, but I’m not seeing any issues with the paid version. You can read our full review on CrunchGear here.
5.Meridian *
What is it? Media player
Price: Free
Description: As we mentioned in our Smartphone Showdown, media playback (especially video) on the Android platform is rather lacking. We’ve yet to find any third-party applications that really pull it off well, but the Meridian player is about the best we’ve seen so far. It’ll play back MP3, OGG, MP4, and 3GPP files, and offers up basic playlist and gesture support. It’s pretty dang ugly, but it gets the job done.
6.flixster *
What is it? Movie times/trailers/DVD info aggregator
Price: Free
Description: Flixster does one thing, and it does it well: Movies. It keeps you up to date on everything new in the movie world, be it for the box office or the rental store, complete with movie times (by way of GPS), community-driven user reviews, and trailers. Flixster is one of the most well-designed applications I’ve seen on the Android platform, and is one of very few I find myself using regularly.
7.Barcode *
Barcode Reader:
What is it? Its.. a barcode reader.
Price: Free
Description: Barcode reader is pretty much an Android must-have at this point. Lets say you’re perusing a book store and stumble across a book you’re interested in reading – but is it really worth what the nearest big chain book store wants for it? Scan the tag on the back into Barcode Reader, which will pass the details into Google Product Search for a price comparison. At worst, you’ll find out that you’re getting a deal; at best, you’ll save a ton. I’ve saved a few hundred bucks overall by way of Barcode-based comparison shopping.
8.Ted *
What is it? Tons of amazing content, crammed into one app.
Price: Free
Description: This one serves as our reader’s choice app, so to speak. I reached out to my Twitter posse for some insight on their favorite apps, and the TED application was a resoundingly popular result. The Android TED application brings together a huge number of lectures from the annual Technology, Entertainment, Design conference, with talks from the likes of Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Larry Page, and more. Next time you’ve got 10-15 minutes free, why not spend it gettin’ some smarts?
What is it? Notes syncing
Price: Free
Description: Sign up for a free account, then punch your credentials into both the Android client and your browser. Bam, note syncing! It’s not a substitute for a full-fledged file syncing service like Dropbox, but 3banana is a drop-dead easy way to keep your notes/images synced between your Android handset and your computer.
10.power *
Power Manager
What is it? Battery life assistant
Price: $0.99, Lite version available
Description: While it’s getting better over time, the Android platform isn’t exactly known for its killer battery efficiency. Android allows users to run apps in the background – and a running application gobbles up battery, whether it’s visible or not. Power manager helps to improve your device’s battery life through profiles. Running on the battery? Dim the screen. Battery down below 30%? Kill the WiFi and the Bluetooth. The free version comes with 4 profiles (Battery powered, low battery, A/C powered, USB powered), while the 99 cent pro version allows you to build you own.
Source :
Dell 5130cdn Color Laser Printer Dell 5130cdn Color Laser Printer

World's Fastest Single Function Letter Format Color Laser Printer1
Discover excellent print quality, exceptional value and outstanding reliability with the blazing-fast DellTM 5130cdn Color Laser Printer.
* High Performance: Up to 47 ppm (letter) (actual print speed will vary with use), excellent print quality
* High Productivity: Monthly duty cycle of up to 110,000 pages
* Lasting Value: Low cost per page; energy-conscious design
Superb Performance
The Dell 5130cdn Color Laser Printer slashes printing and waiting time while delivering high-quality laser prints.
* Blazing Print Speeds: The world’s fastest A4 single-function color laser printer1, the Dell 5130cdn delivers letter-sized pages at a speed of up to 47 ppm (pages per minute) in both mono and color. (Actual print speeds will vary with use.) Print duplex pages at up to 37.6 ppm (letter) in both mono and color. (Actual print speeds will vary with use.)
* Fast Warm-Up: The Dell 5130cdn delivers a first-print-out time (FPOT) as fast as 8.5 seconds in mono and 10 seconds in color.
* Excellent Print Quality: ColorbyDell technology incorporates an innovative print engine, advanced image-enhancement algorithm and advanced toner technology to deliver brilliant color printouts with crisp, clear text.
* Rich, Glossy Color Images: Advanced EA-Eco Toner emulsion aggregation process saturates paper with superfine toner particles for brilliant color reproduction.
Easy to Set Up, Manage and Use
From setup and printer management through toner replacement and maintenance, the Dell 5130cdn Color Laser Printer is designed to make life easier for IT staff as well as for end users.
Dell 5130cdn Color Laser Printer - Exceptional Long-Term Value

* Setup Navigator: Get easy setup with animated guidance on features ranging from wireless configuration to troubleshooting.
* Remote Printer Management: The Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool lets you manage the 5130cdn printer remotely using a Web browser.
* ColorTrack Pro: This advanced yet easy color-printing access and management tool allows shareable external-server authentication.
* Easy Toner Maintenance & Purchase: The Dell Toner Management SystemTM alerts you when you're low on toner and streamlines the process of ordering replacement toner.
* Intuitive User Controls: Thoughtful design features include an LCD panel, 5-way cursor keypads, three user buttons, and dedicated wrinkle-free envelope-printing mode.
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Monday, November 9, 2009
Home Buying Checklist
Home Buying Checklist
* Learn your homebuyer's rights!
There are many laws that protect you from scams, unnecessary expenses, and discrimination in the process of home buying.
* Figure out how much mortgage you can afford.
Most financial institutions will lend you from 25% up to 75% of the value of the home you want to purchase. A lender may want your monthly mortgage payment to total no more than 33% of your monthly gross income (that's your monthly income before taxes and other paycheck deductions are taken out.)
* Decide what you can afford to spend.
No matter how much a lender can borrow, having borrowed too much you may have to cut back on other expenses such as holidays or entertainment. Consider how your day-to-day cash flow will be affected.
* Make your wish list.
Consider what features you like in your present home, what you don't like, and what you would find useful or more comfortable. Determine your housing needs and wants to determine what types of houses you should be considering. Consider the general location considering all your possibilities.
* Learn how to set a value on a house.
This can save you a great deal of time and helps to avoid disappointment.
* Start searching for a broker.
Find an Agent that you trust. Talk to several and find someone you think you'll be comfortable working closely with. Many of your friends and relatives have probably bought and sold their homes through brokers. Ask them who they used and what their experiences were.
* Begin house-hunting.
Start with the Internet. Pick up real estate flyers at local grocery stores and convenience stores. Read the real estate sections of your local newspaper. Drive around neighborhoods that interest you and write down addresses where there are "for sale" signs. Go to open houses. Visit the neighborhood. Don't just drive around. Get out of your car and walk. Talk to the people working in their yards or washing their car.
* Hire a home inspector.
Be sure to choose a home inspector who is licensed. A home inspection will generally cost between $200 and $400. You will have to pay for this inspection yourself, but it could keep you from buying a house that will cost you far more in repairs. If you aren't, ask the seller to pay for certain repairs or asking for a lower price.
* Write an offer and negotiate your best deal.
If you are satisfied with the results of the inspection, then you can write an offer. Familiarize yourself also with how offers become contracts.
* Arrange for closing agent or attorney.
Do a final walk through of the house. Make all final preparations for closing.
* Make moving plans.
If you plan to use a moving company, make comparisons and reserve time now.
Costs of home ownership
* Sales tax
* Legal Fees
* Moving Costs
* Repairs and renovations
* Home inspection fees
* Sales tax
* Mortgage payments
* Property taxes
* Utilities: gas, hydro, water, cable television, telephone
* Insurance
* Gardening and grounds expenses
* Snow removal
* Condominium fees and expenses
* Age of Home, Square footage, Type of Construction
* Practicality of floorplan
* Ability to Expand/Enlarge House
* Interior walls condition
* Age of Heating System
* Age of Water Heater
* Age of Electrical Wiring
* Estimated Water Bill
* Estimated Heating Bill
* Oil Heat
* Gas Heat
* Electric Heat
* Hot Water Heat
* Capacity of Water Heater
* Estimated Electric Bill
* Number of Stories
* Number of Bathrooms
* Number of Closets
* Number of Bedrooms
* Roof Condition
* Foundation Condition
* Central Air Conditioning
* Energy-Conservation Features
* Plumbing condition
* Kitchen Eating Area
* Garbage Disposal
* Sump Pump/Drainage
* Cable TV
* Overall Exterior Condition
* Garage Size
* Backyard Fence
* Landscaping
* Environment
* Garbage Collection
* Near Churches
* Near Doctors/Dentists
* Near Industry
* Near Public Transportation
* Near Schools
* Near Shopping
* Near Work
* Noise Level
* Parking
* Parks
* Pet restrictions
* Police
* Restaurants/entertainment
* Safety/Security
* Shopping
* Sidewalks
* Snow removal
* Streets
* Street Lights
* Supermarket
* The Neighborhood
* Traffic Volume
Source :
* Learn your homebuyer's rights!
There are many laws that protect you from scams, unnecessary expenses, and discrimination in the process of home buying.
* Figure out how much mortgage you can afford.
Most financial institutions will lend you from 25% up to 75% of the value of the home you want to purchase. A lender may want your monthly mortgage payment to total no more than 33% of your monthly gross income (that's your monthly income before taxes and other paycheck deductions are taken out.)
* Decide what you can afford to spend.
No matter how much a lender can borrow, having borrowed too much you may have to cut back on other expenses such as holidays or entertainment. Consider how your day-to-day cash flow will be affected.
* Make your wish list.
Consider what features you like in your present home, what you don't like, and what you would find useful or more comfortable. Determine your housing needs and wants to determine what types of houses you should be considering. Consider the general location considering all your possibilities.
* Learn how to set a value on a house.
This can save you a great deal of time and helps to avoid disappointment.
* Start searching for a broker.
Find an Agent that you trust. Talk to several and find someone you think you'll be comfortable working closely with. Many of your friends and relatives have probably bought and sold their homes through brokers. Ask them who they used and what their experiences were.
* Begin house-hunting.
Start with the Internet. Pick up real estate flyers at local grocery stores and convenience stores. Read the real estate sections of your local newspaper. Drive around neighborhoods that interest you and write down addresses where there are "for sale" signs. Go to open houses. Visit the neighborhood. Don't just drive around. Get out of your car and walk. Talk to the people working in their yards or washing their car.
* Hire a home inspector.
Be sure to choose a home inspector who is licensed. A home inspection will generally cost between $200 and $400. You will have to pay for this inspection yourself, but it could keep you from buying a house that will cost you far more in repairs. If you aren't, ask the seller to pay for certain repairs or asking for a lower price.
* Write an offer and negotiate your best deal.
If you are satisfied with the results of the inspection, then you can write an offer. Familiarize yourself also with how offers become contracts.
* Arrange for closing agent or attorney.
Do a final walk through of the house. Make all final preparations for closing.
* Make moving plans.
If you plan to use a moving company, make comparisons and reserve time now.
Costs of home ownership
* Sales tax
* Legal Fees
* Moving Costs
* Repairs and renovations
* Home inspection fees
* Sales tax
* Mortgage payments
* Property taxes
* Utilities: gas, hydro, water, cable television, telephone
* Insurance
* Gardening and grounds expenses
* Snow removal
* Condominium fees and expenses
* Age of Home, Square footage, Type of Construction
* Practicality of floorplan
* Ability to Expand/Enlarge House
* Interior walls condition
* Age of Heating System
* Age of Water Heater
* Age of Electrical Wiring
* Estimated Water Bill
* Estimated Heating Bill
* Oil Heat
* Gas Heat
* Electric Heat
* Hot Water Heat
* Capacity of Water Heater
* Estimated Electric Bill
* Number of Stories
* Number of Bathrooms
* Number of Closets
* Number of Bedrooms
* Roof Condition
* Foundation Condition
* Central Air Conditioning
* Energy-Conservation Features
* Plumbing condition
* Kitchen Eating Area
* Garbage Disposal
* Sump Pump/Drainage
* Cable TV
* Overall Exterior Condition
* Garage Size
* Backyard Fence
* Landscaping
* Environment
* Garbage Collection
* Near Churches
* Near Doctors/Dentists
* Near Industry
* Near Public Transportation
* Near Schools
* Near Shopping
* Near Work
* Noise Level
* Parking
* Parks
* Pet restrictions
* Police
* Restaurants/entertainment
* Safety/Security
* Shopping
* Sidewalks
* Snow removal
* Streets
* Street Lights
* Supermarket
* The Neighborhood
* Traffic Volume
Source :
inflatable belts by Ford Motor Company
The inflatable belts are designed to provide support and and additional protection for rear-seat occupants, and is a major leap forward in the ever advancing world of safety innovation.
The belts work in much the same way as an ordinary airbag - when the sensors detect an accident the gas filled cannistors quickly rleases cold gas into the belts, which then instantly transforms into something that readily resembles an airbag. The belt has been created to alleviate head, chest and neck injuries.
So, when can we expect to see this next generation safety feature, you ask? Well, very soon actually. The inflatable rear seat belts will feature part of the Ford's next generation Ford Explorer sport utility vehicle (or SUV), which goes into mass production next year. The company plans to eventually incorporate this new safety feature in all their vehicles globally.
When inflated, the seat belts cover five times more area on the human body during a crash, which spreads and reduces the impact forces a passenger would normally experience. This of course reduces the pressure on a passenger's chest, and also aids in controlling head and neck motion. What's more, of all the research participants used, over 90 percent were of the opinion that the belts were actually more comfortable than traditional safety belts.
In a crash situation, the belts wil inflate in 40 milliseconds.
“Ford’s rear inflatable seat belt technology will enhance safety for rear-seat passengers of all ages, especially for young children who are more vulnerable in crashes,” said Sue Cischke, Ford group vice president of Sustainability, Environmental and Safety Engineering. “This is another unique family technology that builds on our safety leadership, including the most top safety ratings of any automaker.”
It seems Ford has made a conscious and clear decision to continue growing passenger safety and comfort, which is apparent in the rlease of safety systems this year alone, comprising the new radar-enabled Adaptive Cruise Control with Collision Warning with Brake Support, and Blind Spot Information System (BLIS®) with Cross Traffic Alert (CTA) in the new 2010 Ford Taurus and Fusion.
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