Source :http://www.itrulyrecommend.com
There is no doubt that losing their hair can be an extremely traumatic time for a person. Many consider hair to be a sign of virility and life in a person, so losing hair can have a damaging effect on a person's confidence. People have long sought a cure to stop hair loss, and there a variety of options which have proved successful for many people. Depending on each individual's circumstances and outlook on life, they may have strong reasons to fight the hair loss process and now they have a better chance of doing so.

Source :http://www.health141.com
There are many ways to avoid losing your hair and the following are 5 top tips to stop hair loss:
1. Do not color or treat your hair too often. A growing number of people are experiencing hair loss, and this can be very traumatic for any woman. A lot of this is due to chemicals being placed into the hair during coloring or treating processes. Advances in hair design and fashion has enabled women to have any color they want in their hair, but it has created further dangers.
2. Having a balanced diet. Not many people are aware that what they eat can help strengthen their hair and give people a better chance of holding onto their luscious locks. Hair contains protein, so having a protein rich diet is a good start in preventing loss of hair. Eating fish, pulses, and soya can help anyone maintain their hair.
3. Avoid overuse of heating products. Styling tools such as straighteners and curlers may help to make a woman's hair look fabulous, but they place great stress on hair, which can be a factor in losing hair. If you are looking to stop hair loss reducing time spent using heating products can make an impact on the vitality of your hair.
4. Drink plenty of water. This seems to be an answer for everything, but drinking a regular amount of water can help a person's hair maintain its strength. Drinking water helps to flush the body of impurities which gives a greater opportunity for hair follicles to grow.
5. Do not brush wet hair. It does not matter how late you are or how little time you have to get ready. Brushing wet hair is extremely damaging and should not be done at any time. When wet, your hair is extremely vulnerable, making it far more likely to break off when brushing. Always ensure you detangle your hair by using a wide tooth comb before you consider brushing if you wish to stop hair loss.
Source :http://www.buzzle.com
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