source : http://www.dermaxime.com
When your feet hurt it is tough to think about taking care of the rest of your body. You may feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, but it's your feet that carry you around. When your feet hurt nothing works. You stop exercising because you hurt. It is an effort to move anywhere. It is even hard to smile because your feet hurting.
Most foot problems can be prevented especially when you think about how you may be abusing and neglecting your feet Here are some foot care tips that should help you.
Practice Good Foot Care
Check your feet regularly. Have a professional such as a podiatrists or primary care doctor check your feet They are qualified to treat most foot problems. They are also the professionals to recommend a dermatologist or orthopedic surgeon if you need one.
Maintain Good Circulation in Your Feet
Prop your feet up whenever you can - at your desk, reading, watching TV. This helps to keep blood from poking in your leg veins and discourages foot swelling. While your feet are up, rotate them around to stretch your ankles and calves. Ladies, this can help get the kinks out after high heeled shoes.
-Get up and stretch if you've been sitting for a long time.
-Avoid sitting a long time with your legs crossed.
-Epsom salt foot baths can dry out your skin. Don't do this if you have diabetes.
-If your feet are dry, apply a lotion to your feet two or three times a day.
-If your feet are cold, wear socks or hose to keep them warm.
-You can relieve heel pain by rolling a golf ball or tennis ball with the arch of your foot.
-Make sure your shoes fit.
Keep in mind that the size of your feet changes as you grow older so have your feet measured before buying shoes. Also, the best time to measure your feet and buy shoes is at the end of the day when your feet are their largest.
Other tips for buying shoes:
-Most of us have one foot that is larger than the other so be sure to fit your larger foot first.
-Select a shoe that is shaped like your foot.
-Make sure the ball of your foot is positioned in the widest part of the shoe.
-Do not buy shoes that feel too tight and then expect them to stretch out and fit.
-Maintain a healthy weight. Shedding extra weight can take a load off your feet.
See a doctor if you have continual pain, swelling, stiffness, redness, numbness or unusual sensations in your feet If you have diabetes or a circulatory disorder, it's important to have your feet checked regularly by a foot doctor. It is better not to self treat unless your doctor approves, because of the increased risk of infection.
Source : http://ezinearticles.com
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