Read on to learn some fascinating facts a human body does.
Human being as God said “is a perfect creation’. Each and every part performs special and unique tasks. Read on to learn some incredible things the human body does.
A healthy human body contains an adequate amount of :
iron to make a three inch nail.
carbon to produce 1,000 pencils.
potassium to trigger a toy cannon.
sulphur to kill all fleas on an average dog.
phosphorous enough to make 8 match heads.
fat to produce 7 bars of soap.
water to fill a ten gallon tank.
Almost ¼ of our bones are found in the feet.
The human hand contains 14 finger bones or phalanges.
The largest muscle in the human body is the buttock muscle.
Fingernails grow faster than toenails and for a new nail grow from tip to base will
probably takes 6 months.
For the record, an individual loses an average of 40 to 100 strands of hair a day.
For a fact, human brain is made up of 80% water and it stops growing as one reach the age of 18.
All in all, the human body contains 70,000 miles of blood vessels.
Human brain has a storage capacity of about 4 terabytes (4, 000 gigabytes), while human senses can transmit up to 100 million messages to the brain every second.
A human liver could still rejuvenate and functions even if 80% of it were removed.
Just like fingerprint, each individual has a unique tongue print.
Ever wonder what would a piece of white paper looked like after you have spent long hours working at a computer monitor, guess what — it will appear somewhat pink in color.
Between watching television and sleeping ,our body burns more calories doing the latter activity.
A cough can travel up to 60 miles per hour carrying with it a highly-charged, volatile air.
If you measure the inside of your elbow up to wrist, you will arrive at a measurement that is nearly the length of your forearm.
At the age of 60, many of us will have only 50 percent of our taste buds working.
Source :http://scienceray.com
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