Saturday, December 12, 2009

10 Tips for Getting rid of ACNE

Top Ten Tips for Getting Rid of Acne

1. Fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds

Increase the variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet. The easiest way to do this is to create delicious smoothies and juices from ripe fruit, have at least one salad every day — even just as a side dish — with your main meal, and snack on nuts and dried fruits. Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds are fantastic for acne because they contain selenium (Brazils) and zinc (pumpkin seeds), deficiencies in these minerals have been linked to acne. If you're stuck for recipes containing a good variety of fresh ingredients, look no further than Clear Skin, the new eBook by Karen Jessett — it contains over 70 delicious recipes to aid acne-prone skin.

2. Water

Drink plenty of water every day. Aim to drink at least two litres of still mineral water. If the skin becomes dehydrated, dead skin cells are not effectively shed, which can lead to blocked pores and further acne.

3. Probiotics and prebiotics

Antibiotics destroy the bacteria in your digestive system, which can lead to poor digestion, constipation and reduced absorption of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients — all of which can lead to more acne because your body isn't able to get rid of waste effectively and toxins get expelled via the skin instead. If you have been taking antibiotics for your acne, it's vital you replace the "friendly" bacteria in your digestive system with a good quality probiotic, such as Nature's Biotics.

Prebiotics are foods which help re-establish the good bacteria in the gut — these include honey, onions, artichokes and bananas. Taking a probiotic supplement and eating prebiotics foods will help restore the levels of beneficial bacteria that are destroyed by antibiotics.

4. Supplements & superfoods

Sometimes it's not possible to get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients required to obtain and maintain clear skin. We can be eating all the right foods, but because of other factors — such as long-term antibiotic use — we may not be absorbing everything we need from our diets. There are a few supplements that are particularly useful to those with acne, including:

* Maca — a powdered Peruvian root vegetable that helps balance and stabilize the body's systems and helps normalise hormones. It tastes delicious blended into smoothies, a little bit sweet and little bit savoury. Maca is also rich in essential amino acids, fatty acids, phytochemicals and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, silica and iodine.

* Nature's Living Superfood — A nutrient-dense, mineral-rich superfood, it contains a full spectrum of absorbable nutrients: vitamins, minerals, trace minerals.

5. Use only natural products on your skin

Many skin care products on the market contain chemicals that can aggravate acne-prone skin. By overloading the skin with harsh chemicals that strip the skin's natural oils, the skin will produce more oil to compensate — which can lead to more blocked pores and acne! Use products that contain natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, which is known for its antibacterial properties. The best method for dealing with acne-prone skin is the less-is-more attitude. Use as few products as possible so your skin gets a chance to heal on its own. If you wear make-up, buy formulas that are non-acnegenic or non-comedogenic (non-pore blocking).

6. Reduce stress

Stress is on of the biggest precursors of acne, especially beyond puberty. Controlling stress can reduce the release of the stress hormone cortisol, and therefore reduce the severity of the acne. Id you suffer from stress regularly, learn to recognise the early symptoms and take action. There are various ways you can reduce stress and become more relaxed:

* Exercise — especially Yoga and T'ai Chi. Moderate exercise will increase blood flow to the skin and aid healing, as well as improve the health of your internal organs enabling them to get rid of waste more effectively.

* Relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises and meditation

7. Reduce your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates

There is recent research pointing the finger at diet — eating refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, rice, flour etc) and sugar leads to a surge in insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1. This in turn leads to an excess of male hormones, which encourage the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum. This grease-like substance encourages the growth of bacteria responsible for acne.

Refined carbs/sugar = more insulin = more hormones = more sebum (oil) = more bacteria = more acne

8. Reduce your intake of caffeine

Caffeine increases the levels of stress hormones in the body and can aggravate acne. Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate and other stimulant containing drinks.

9. Reduce your intake of dairy and red meat

Dairy products and meat are hard for us to digest, and are acid-forming in the body. The condition of the skin is linked to the health of your internal organs. If you're struggling to digest high levels of animal protein, your body won't get rid of waste products effectively, and they will be released via the skin as acne. Dairy and red meat also contain high levels of hormones which can increase our our levels, and result in more acne. Many people are also intolerant to dairy products without realising it, and a mild intolerance can manifest itself as acne. There are plenty of alternatives to dairy these days — and you can create simple and nutritious nut milks at home, such as the calcium-rich sesame and banana super smoothie.

10. Sunshine and fresh air

Sunshine stimulates the creation of vitamin D in the body — an essential vitamin for healthy skin. A little bit of fresh air and sunshine every day will also reduce stress and increase oxygen to the skin. Even when it's overcast, the sun's rays reach us, so take a 10 minute walk outside every day. Don't get burnt in the sun though — apart from increasing the risk of skin cancer, burnt and heavily tanned skin forms a thick layer on the skin's surface that doesn't exfoliate quickly enough and leads to blocked pores.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Fashion Tips For 50+ women

If you are a fifty plus woman there are a few fashion rules you might find helpful in achieving a sexy, stylish appearance:

Re-evaluate yourself

Lots of things change with age, so make sure you re-evaluate your figure type and face shape. You need to dress to flatter who you are now, rather then trying to get back what's gone. Your bra size, or lingerie needs may have changed also, so get fitted again for these items.

Don't be a bag lady

Getting older doesn't mean it's time to hide your body under baggy smocks, or sweat suits. Choose well cut tailored clothing, or pieces that drapes nicely. Fabric is often they key so don't scrimp in this department. Look for silks that hang beautifully on the body without clinging and wool blends in tailored pieces, because they offer structure. Palazzo pants and stretch jeans are comfortable, but not dowdy in the pants department. Floaty silk blouses, or semi fitted button front tops look great. In the dress department semi fitted styles tend to work best.

Enlist some support

There are lots of clever fashion garments today that can help lift and shape your figure. These can help take years off your body. There are supportive swimsuits that offer tummy panels, stockings that reduce the width of your thighs and butt, and virtually every imaginable lingerie solution to improve your appearance.

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Ditch anything childish

If you want to look stylish stay clear of anything obviously juvenile, for example cute looking prints, logos and trends you only see in stores aimed at teens. Dressing in young women's clothing won't make you look youthful; it could actually make you look silly. It is far better to stick to

Wear color on top

As we age, we have a tendency to loss pigment in both our hair and face. Some of this can be counter balanced with hair dye and make up, but it is also beneficial to wear a flattering color on your top half. This will help you to avoid looking washed out and tired.

Finally some key items to avoid wearing; pleated high waist skirts, fleecy vests, pants that are baggy through the bottom region but tapered at the ankle, and over sized, shapeless tops and cardigans.

Article by : Kimberley Heit

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to Buy & Sell Stock Market Shares

How to Buy & Sell Stock Market Shares

Step 1

Determine your level of investment experience, your research ability, and your level of confidence in your own ability to make an investment decision.

If you must rely on the advice of a professional you will need to engage the services of a full-service broker. If you feel confident in your ability to make an informed decision based on available information you may wish to engage a discount broker. If you enjoy doing your own research you may wish to engage a no frills online broker.

Step 2

Determine your investment objective:

capital preservation, income, growth and income, aggressive growth, or speculation. Discover, through recommendations of investment professionals or through your own research, companies that meet your investment objective.

Step 3

Determine the price you are willing to pay for the stock of the company you have selected.

Instruct your broker to place a Buy order. This order may specify the price you are offering, which may be lower than the stock is trading. This order will be executed if someone is willing to sell their stock at that price. If no sale is made the order will typically be canceled at the end of the day. The order may also be made At The Market and the trade will be made at the price the at which stock is currently trading.

Step 4

Sell your stock by instructing your broker to place a Sell order.

This order can specify a selling price which is higher than the stock is trading. This order will be executed if someone is willing to buy the stock at that price. If no sale is made the order will typically be canceled at the end of the day. You can also instruct your broker to enter a Stop Loss order which will execute if the price of the stock drops below the specified price. The order may also be made At The Market and the trade will be made at the price at which the stock is currently trading.

Article by : Mike Parker

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Monday, December 7, 2009


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Different Forms Of Astrology

astro According to traditional norms, we can classify astrology into the following broad classes based on the areas that they were practiced.

* Babylonian Astrology
* Persian and Arab Astrology
* Chinese Astrology

* Hellenistic Astrology
* Indian Astrology
* Western Astrology>


Babylonian Astrology was the first organized system of astrology that existed as early as the 2nd millennium. It is believed that Babylonian astrology was primarily mundane, and before the 7th century the practioners understanding of astronomy was very rudimentary. It mainly involved associating the Gods of Babylon with the then known five planets Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Mercury. Interestingly enough Babylonians were the first ones to invent calendars, name the days of the week(after the sun, moon and the 5 planets), and set out the twelve houses of the horoscope.


Most classical sciences like mathematics, astronomy and even astrology are said to have been preserved and used by the Muslim world from periods as early as the 8th Century. Europe was going though the time of the Dark Ages. In this stage, Astrology and Astronomy were linked and hence were persevered. Astrology was in favor of the Islamic world when it was associated with mathematics, science and astronomy. As it began to emerge as a separate discipline, it began to be regarded as superstition and fortune telling. As fortune telling is forbidden in the Koran, modern day astrology is considered negative.


Chinese astrology is actually an interpretation from the Chinese calendar, which is based on astronomy and ancient Chinese philosophy. The Chinese zodiac is purely a calendrical cycle. They associated the five known planets with different elements on Earth. According to Chinese Astrology, a person's destiny can be determined by the position of the major planets, along with the positions of the Sun, Moon and comets and the person's time of birth and Zodiac Sign. Interestingly, the twelve year cycle of animal cycles was created based on the observations on Jupiter’s rings.


Hellenistic Astrology was developed in the Hellenistic Egypt and Mediterranean and existed around the same time as Babylonian Astrology. This was a complex system of astrology which was developed to such an extent that it made fundamental changes to the traditional system of Astrology itself. Many of the Hellenistic concepts of astrology are employed even today by many astrologists.


It was popularly known as Jyotisha and strangely enough still practiced widely all over India. It is considered to be one of the six branches of Vedanta or sacred teachings. Each year has a name for a specific period of sixty years. There are also twelve months, each month divided into fifteen day periods, depending on the waxing and waning on the moon. Auspicious and inauspicious times are predicted based on the positioning of the Moon and the planets. Baby names are chosen this way as they have to be approved astrologically as the right name for the kid. Even the time of Death is predicted this way.


Western Astrology was known to have its origin in Mesopotamia. Although in ancient times, it consisted of mainly superstitions and myths, modern day western astrology is largely based on the zodiac. These twelve zodiacs not only represent the twelve months of the year, but also the characteristics and personality types of people. These twelve signs were divided into the four elements – Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Many parts of the world are still ruled by the ancient laws of Astrology, but the most commonly and widely accepted rules are still that of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Right from a daily prediction up until prediction for the years to come, zodiacs are considered as the basis for all modern day astrology.

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Basic Concepts Of Ayurveda

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Ayurveda identifies three basic types of energy or functional principles that are present in everyone and everything.

These are the three Doshas namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These principles can be related to the basic biology of the body. These Doshas decide the Constitution (Prakruti) of a person. Living beings require energy for all body functions be it metabolism or regeneration. Vata is the energy of movement, Pitta is the energy of digestion or metabolism and Kapha, the energy of lubrication and structure. All people have the qualities of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, but one is usually primary, one secondary and the third is usually least prominent. The cause of disease in Ayurveda is viewed as a lack of proper cellular function due to an excess or deficiency of Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Disease can also be caused by the presence of toxins known as Ama.

In Ayurveda, body, mind and consciousness in work together in maintaining balance. They are simply viewed as different facets of one’s being. To learn how to balance the body, mind and consciousness requires an understanding of how Vata, Pitta and Kapha work together. According to Ayurvedic Philosophy the entire cosmos is an interplay of the energies of the five great elements Space (ether), Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are combinations and permutations of these five elements that manifest as patterns present in all creation. In the physical body, Vata is the subtle energy of movement, Pitta the energy of digestion and metabolism, and Kapha the energy that forms the body structure.

Ayurveda accepts the Hindu Philosophy principle that everything in this universe is made–up of five basic elements. And everything that exists in the universe has a miniaturized representative in our body. Thus the five principles that make the universe make–up our body.

These elements, known as the Pancha–mahabhuta are

* Prithvi or Earth.
* Jal or Water.
* Teja/Agni or Fire.
* Vayu or Air.
* Aakash or Space/Ether.

These five elements are the basis of life and everything can be explained in terms of these five. For example, the bulky and solid parts are composed of Prithvi, the digestive enzymes or any source of heat is Agni, the hollow and empty parts are Aakash.

Ayurveda states that the body is composed of three main substances

* The Tridoshas (three doshas).
* The Dhatus (these are seven in number).
* The Malas (the waste products, chiefly contain feces, urine and sweat).

Dhatus are basic tissues which maintain and nourish the body. They are formed from the nutritional juices of our food. Proper amount and functioning of each Dhatu is very important for good health. Malas (pronounced as ‘Ma–laas’) are wastes produced as a result of various metabolic activities in the body. Proper elimination of malas is essential as their accumulation can lead to several diseases. All these factors are inter–related and directly or indirectly help in maintaining the equilibrium of the tridoshas.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Benefits Of Strength Training For Women

10 Benefits Of Strength Training For Women

1) Increased Metabolic Rate

Here is one of the most important benefits of strength training for women. We always want to discover the secrets to weight loss... well here is the first secret! Strength training increases your metabolic rate by increasing the calories you burn on a daily basis. The more calories you burn, the more chance you have to drop body fat.

2) Increasing and Restoring Bone Density -

Strength training prevents and fights osteoporosis. Read my entire report on strength training benefits for osteoporosis by clicking here.

3) Increased Lean Muscle Mass -

Note: You will not get big and bulky by strength training! You simply do not have enough testosterone in your body. Yes, if you train for hours and hours and dedicate your life to becoming a bodybuilder you can bulk up.

But simply lifting weights as part of a regular strength training routine will not cause women to bulk up. With that said, for every pound of lean muscle mass that you have, you burn 35-50 calories per day!

If you have 10 pounds of lean muscle mass then you burn between 350-500 calories. If you have 20 pounds you burn between 700 and 1000 calories per day! This is one of the biggest benefits of strength training for women.

4) Injury Prevention -

Strength training strengthens our muscles and tendons. The stronger we are the less chance of an injury. This is especially important as we grow older. The benefits of strength training for women and men are highly touted for injury prevention.

5) Improved Balance -

Especially important as we grow older. Strength training builds a strong foundation. Strengthening our legs and core section means an increase in overall balance and coordination.

6) Decreased Risk of Coronary Disease -

Strength training can reduce your blood pressure. It can also decrease your cholesterol levels. These benefits of strength training for women alone are a great reason to begin your program today. Heart disease is one of the highest (if not the highest) killer of women in America every year.

7) Aids in Rehabilitation and Recovery -

Strengthening the muscles around our joints is one of the best ways to prevent and recover from an injury. For example, the best way to recover from a knee injury is to strengthen the quads and calves.

8) Enhanced Performance in Sports, Exercise and Life In General -

The benefits of strength training for women all boil down to one point- a better overall quality of life. We can perform our favorite activities with more ease and less pain. We are able to increase our health and mental state from a regular strength training routine.

9) Aging Gracefully -

With less falls and less injuries we are able to age gracefully. Our lean and toned bodies create a warm and strong persona. Strength training is a major factor in aging well. Enhancing our muscles and reducing body fat are prime ways to prevent sagging body parts too ;)

10) Feeling Better and Looking Better -

I don't think it is much of a secret that we all want to look great. We are all searching for ways to look young. Strength training is a vital part of a fitness routine.

Strength training has been shown to increase our muscle tone, decrease body fat, and so much more. A toned body is but one factor to looking great. The other is purely mental. There are so many positive mental benefits of strength training for women. We feel accomplished, secure, and strong after a strength session.

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