Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Microchip Identification for Animals

What is mircochipping?

A microchip implant for animals is an identifying integrated circuit placed under the skin of a dog, cat, or other animal - a tiny computer chip, approximately the size of a grain of rice, that has an identification number programmed into it. The chip is encased in a smooth, strong bio-compatible glass and is small enough to fit into a hypodermic needle. Once an animal is injected with a chip, he can be identified throughout his life with this one of a kind number. The identification cannot be lost or altered.

A special scanner is used to send a radio signal to the chip to read the chip’s unique identification number. The animal feels nothing when the scanner is placed over it. The number is displayed on the scanner, and the person reading the scanner can contact a national microchip registry to find out to whom the animal belongs.

What are the components of a microchip?

Microchips are passive or inert, (meaning it must be read by a scanner), RFID devices and contain no internal power source; therefore, it does not send out signals. They are designed so that they do not act until acted upon.

Three basic elements comprise most microchips: A silicon chip (integrated circuit); a core of ferrite wrapped in copper wire; and a small capacitor. The silicon chip contains the identification number, plus electronic circuits to relay that information to the scanner. The ferrite - or iron - core acts as a radio antenna, ready to receive a signal from the scanner. The capacitor acts as a tuner, forming a LC circuit with the antenna coil.

These components are encased in special biocompatible glass made from soda lime, and hermetically sealed to prevent any moisture or fluid entering the unit. Animals are not affected physically or behaviorally by the presence of a chip in their bodies.

What are the uses and benefits of micro-chipping?

Microchips are permanent identifications that cannot be lost, altered or destroyed. Pet guardians have been reunited with their lost, chipped pets that have been missing for years or that have traveled thousands of miles. They can also assist where the ownership of an animal is in a dispute.

Animal shelters and animal control centers benefit from microchipping by more quickly and efficiently returning pets to their guardians. When a pet can be quickly matched to his guardian, the shelter or veterinarian avoids the expense of housing, feeding, providing medical care, and outplacing or destroying the pet.

Microchipping is becoming increasingly standard at shelters: many require all outplaced animals to receive a microchip, and provide the service as part of the adoption package.

In addition to shelters and veterinarians, microchips are used by kennels, breeders, brokers, trainers, registries, rescue groups, humane societies, clinics, farms, stables, animal clubs and associations, researchers, wildlife rehabbers, and pet stores. Animal control officers are also trained and equipped to scan animals.

Kittens and puppies can have the chip injected between the ages of six and eight weeks of age. Of course, the injection can also be done at any time afterwards. The same sized microchip and needle are used in animals even smaller than kittens, puppies, and toy breeds, including mice, baby birds, and even fish.

Although the microchip needle is larger than a typical vaccine needle, the general rule is that animals will react the same way to this shot as they do to any other. Animals do not over react to it. Their physical performance is not impaired and there is no scarring. There is no substance that can burn or irritate; the chip is completely biocompatible and non-offensive. There is virtually no chance of the body developing an allergy or trying to reject the microchip. Anesthesia is not required or recommended.

Where is the microchip implant location?

In dogs and cats, chips are usually inserted below the skin at the back of the neck, between the shoulder blades on the dorsal midline. The chip can often be manually detected by the guardian by gently feeling the skin in that area. It stays in place as thin layers of connective tissue form around the bio-compatible glass, which encases it.

Horses are microchipped on the left side of the neck, half the distance between the poll and withers, and approximately one inch below the midline of the mane, into the nuchal ligament.

Birds' microchips are injected into their breast muscles. Because proper restraint is necessary, the operation requires two people - an avian veterinarian and a trained assistant.

The microchip has no power supply, battery, or moving parts. It is designed with an operating life of over 25 years and is guaranteed for the life of the animal. The chip requires no care. It does not pass through or out of the body.

What is the recovery system of a micro-chipped animal?

Effective pet identification and recovery depends on the following:

1. A pet guardian either adopts a pet at a shelter that microchips some or all adoptee animals, or the guardian with an existing pet brings him to a veterinarian or a shelter that provides the service.

2. The shelter or vet selects a microchip from their stock, makes a note of that chip's unique ID, and then inserts the chip into the animal.

3. Before sending the animal home, the vet or shelter performs a test scan on the animal. This helps ensure that the chip will be picked up by a scanner, and that its unique identifying number will be read correctly.

4. An enrollment form is completed with the chip number, the pet guardian's contact information, the name and description of the pet, the shelter's and/or veterinarian's contact information, and an alternate emergency contact designated by the pet owner. (Some shelters or vets, however, choose to designate themselves as the primary contact, and take the responsibility of contacting the owner directly. This allows them to be kept informed about possible problems with the animals they place.) The form is then sent to the manufacturer of the chip to be entered into its database. This company typically provides not only the microchips, but a 24-hour, toll-free telephone service for pet recovery, good for the life of the pet.

5. The pet guardian is also provided the chip ID and the contact information of the recovery service. This is often in the form of a collar tag imprinted with the chip ID and the recovery service's toll-free number, to be worn by the animal. If the pet is lost or stolen, and is found by local authorities or taken to a shelter or veterinarian, the pet is scanned during intake to see if a chip exists. If one is detected, authorities call the recovery service and provide them the ID number, the pet's description, and the location of the animal. If the pet is wearing the collar tag, anyone who finds the pet can call the toll-free number, making it unnecessary to involve the authorities. (The guardian can also preemptively notify the recovery service directly if a pet disappears. This is useful if the pet is stolen, and is taken to a vet who scans it and checks with the recovery service.)

6. The recovery service notifies the guardian that the pet has been found, and where to go to recover the animal. Many veterinarians perform test scans on micro-chipped animals every time the animal is brought in for care. This ensures the chip still performs properly. Vets sometimes use the chip ID as the pet's ID in their databases, and print this number on all outgoing paperwork associated with its services, such as receipts, test results, vaccination certifications, and descriptions of medical or surgical procedures.

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